Most Venezuelan Parties Join Forces against Poll

Juan Guaido and Henrique Capriles. File photos:

HAVANA TIMES – Thirty-seven Venezuelan political parties on Monday joined a pact rejecting the December 6 parliamentary elections, reported dpa news. Opposition leader Juan Guaido called them “illegitimate”.

The signatories agreed to “achieve the liberation of Venezuela and to return sovereignty to the people.” To do this they said Nicolas Maduro “must leave power”.

El Nacional newspaper said 105 civil society organizations also joined the pact. It came after two-time presidential candidate Henrique Capriles and lawmaker Stalin Gonzalez broke ranks with Guaido..

Capriles y Gonzalez started talks with the government about participating in the elections. Something the main opposition parties had pledged to boycott. They dismiss them as a fraudulent attempt by Maduro to take over the opposition-controlled National Assembly.

“We ratify the rejection of the fraud the dictatorship has called for December 6,” Guaido said. He announced a “national and international campaign” for transparent elections.

Guaido still has backing of dozens of countries

Dozens of countries have recognized Guaido as Venezuela’s interim president. But the military-backed Maduro remains firmly in power. This despite a massive economic crisis and political unrest.

A week ago, the government announced it was pardoning 110 of its political opponents. These included people in prison and in exile, to boost opposition participation in the elections. Another 200+ political prisoners remain behind bars, under house arrest or in exile.

Most opposition representatives dismissed the move as a ploy to counter criticism of the poll.

The United States has said it continues backing Guaido.

Read more Latin American news from Havana Times.