Music Video Censored by Cuban TV

HAVANA TIMES — Writing on his Facebook page, Israel Rojas (a member of the popular musical duo Buena Fe) protested Cuban television’s censorship of his latest music video “Ser del Sol” (Being of the Sun), which is about a homosexual relationship between two women.
The video, directed by the award-winning filmmaker Ian Padron, and in which the musician Descemer Bueno also appears, has not still not been released on Cuban television though it’s currently in fifth place on the hit-list of the Lucas Music Video Awards.
“It seems that we’ll have to fill the post boxes and message machines, and make calls to ICRT (the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television) to finally get this video presented on Cuban television,” wrote Rojas.
The video tells the story of two young women who meet each other through their boyfriends and initiate a relationship. In the surprise ending, when the boyfriends discover them kissing, the two relax and start to laugh.
“Perhaps the story that’s told in the video clashes with some circles of our society that are still too conservative (…), but our aim is wrapped in art, which is necessary to express the beauty of a story that could happen to anyone of us anywhere in the world,” explained Rojas.
See this recent post on Buena Fe.