Nicaraguan diaspora meets to organize leadership against Ortega

Ortega has buried all opportunities for dialogue and compels us to take more forceful actions, says university leader Lesther Aleman.
By Keyling T. Romero (Confidencial)
HAVANA TIMES – The first meeting of Nicaraguan leaders abroad, in which some of those forced into exile because of Ortega’s repression will participate, will be held this weekend in the United States, with the participation of academic and researcher Felix Maradiaga, human rights defender Alvaro Leiva and university leader Lesther Aleman.
The meeting is promoted by the Coalition Freedom for Nicaragua, a platform that aims to unite all those abroad fighting for democracy in the country, provide visibility to the socio-political crisis that Nicaragua is experiencing since April and follow-up on international actions against the regime of Daniel Ortega.
“With this space we can have a greater follow-up. There are meetings, there are actions, there are proposals, but we also need to monitor them. So, this is going to be a good opportunity to give continuity to those agreements,” stated the student leader and member of this coalition, Lesther Aleman, during the television program “Esta Noche” (Tonight).
As a Coalition, he affirms, they have met with the Organization of American States (OAS) and the United Nations (UN) and have requested that the issue of Nicaragua remain on the agenda.
“The Secretary (Luis) Almagro, told us that the Government of Nicaragua is closing itself off more and more. There is no opportunity for dialogue, not even with an international organization. So, he is pushing towards more forceful actions on the part of organizations,” affirmed Aleman.
Lesther noted that the discourse on normality that Ortega intends to sell at the international level has not been effective, because in the meetings they have had with US authorities, they have found that they (US officials) do not believe the official version of the government. Rather, they claim that “they do not see Ortega staying until 2021” and that the sanctions against his government will continue.
However, Aleman stated that “we have never spoken about any interference or on how the government can harm us. It has always been said that the United States should act in the framework of the Organization of American States and must behave even more persistent in that.” But, they expect a greater number of countries to be more insistent in their legislative processes against the Government of Ortega.
Your brothers that are being oppress by coward, hypocrite, and criminal Ortega, is that who you talking about. Get a clue, you ortega puppet !!
This is a sham organization, and meeting, promoted by the US, probably through its National Endowment for Democracy (NED), to continue US illegal intentions for regime change in Nicaragua – Theater of the absurd, and egregiously criminal to boot. The opposition in Nicaragua knows how to commit terror to instill fear (which I have witnessed and documented – arson, murder, torture, intimidation, etc.) then blame everything on the Sandinistas, using networks of social media espousing fake news and staged propaganda events. The Nicaraguan government possesses no motive to destroy itself or the health of the Nicaragua economy, or inflict harm on its citizens. The right, however, meaning the oligarchy – the leadership of the Catholic church, ex-Somocistas and Contras, wealthy elite, and US agencies (NED, USAID, Freedom House, etc.) – do indeed have a motive to retake power through force since they have been unsuccessful, or unwilling, to do the work to build a popular platform to present to the Nicaraguan people that is a better alternative than that of the FSLN. Members of the unpopular MRS, comprised of many English-speaking ex-Sandinistas, a number of whom spend time in the US, do indeed want regime change without building a popular alternative, and believe the can accomplish this outside of democratic and constitutional means, because they have the support of insidious forces from the US.
They have to kill Ortega & partners to end up this situation.
NSA John Bolton has his “VULCAN” hands all over this process. Bolton wants a war with Nicaraguan. He has no reason he just wants a war.
We want nothing to do with Nicaragua back in the 80’s Regan wanted to oust the Sandinista’s ,but congress wouldn’t send troops fearing another Vietnam. So instead we go the Iran-Contra affair. Today Putin’s Russia is back meddling in Nicaragua affairs and his best Allie is Ortega in Central America and yes Trump is to blame he’ll remember the Helsinki secret meeting. Putin gets Nicaragua and Trump gets to build bases in Poland. The USA is more interested in Poland the the interest of all of Central America they are letting Tussia and Iran move into the Regina’s are turning a blind eye to what’s going on.
Idiot… Live in peace? Would you consider not leaving your home after dark, fearing for your life of you decide to carry a blue and a white flag down the road, loss of your entire medical careers because you were naive enough offer to help a dying person who had been shot because the were walking in a peaceful match against the government?
Get your facts straight before you armchair quarterback on how things should be done!
Over 500 people have died at the hands of this “peaceful” government !
Those who are looking for foreign intervention in Nicaragua are not legitimate to be called democratic but promoters of violence against their own brothers. If they are meeting with almugre and cia, there is no doubt that they are pupets managed by the imperialists yankys, as always. Yankys hands off Nicaragua. Let the people live in peace!!!
They’re not looking forward for negotiations, that’s been over with. They want to get rid of this government one way or another.
Hahaha,Communist Don’t Negotiate.
These Kids are SOOOO NAIVE.