Nicaraguan Parliament Ratifies Security Agreement with Russia

HAVANA TIMES – On Tuesday, Nicaragua’s National Assembly (Parliament) ratified a security agreement signed with Russia, that aims to establish areas of collaboration to prevent threats to international information security and to guarantee security of State information for both parties.
With 72 votes in favor, the Sandinista majority and its allies approved the “Agreement Between the Government of the Republic of Nicaragua and the Government of the Federation of Russia on Collaboration Guaranteeing Information Security,” which was signed in Moscow on July 19.
“The creation of the internet generated a digital revolution that has broken down the barriers of time and space (. . .). We cannot ignore that there are also organizations dedicated to violating these benefits and harming countries,” said the Sandinista deputy Iris Montenegro, president of the Commission on Foreign Affairs.
The agreement “will allow the establishment of collaboration to prevent the threats and the destructive effects on information infrastructure, illicit access to it, disturbing public order, hostilities such as racism and xenophobia, among others, as well as contribute to guaranteeing the security of information of the State of Nicaragua,” according to the text. “With this agreement the two parties will establish the exchange of information, jointly analyze and evaluate the threats that arise against international information security,” the National Assembly stated on its website.
The ratification of the agreement by the National Assembly had been publicly requested on August 21 by Daniel Ortega, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin. In his petition Ortega said to be aware of “the threats related to the possibility of using technology to undermine the peace, sovereignty and security of countries.”
The agreement will allow Nicaragua and Russia to exchange information to detect and put an end to “informatic incidents,” as well as investigate crimes and criminal cases related to the use of information technologies and communication “with terrorist and criminal intentions.”
The agreement will be valid indefinitely 30 days after both party’s report that they have complied with all the legal requirements to put it into effect.
Since Ortega returned to the presidency in 2007, Nicaragua and Russia have strengthened their relationship in all areas. Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Nicaragua is a “very important” partner for Russia in Latin America.
excellent reporting but needs espanding to accommodate in-depth reporting.thanks