OAS Calls for “credible” Election Observation in Nicaragua

…with 26 votes

Image of the 2016 general elections. Photo: Confidencial

The results of the November 7th vote will be “assessed” at the OAS General Assembly, set for November 10.

By Confidencial

HAVANA TIMES – A majority of 26 countries of the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States approved today a resolution demanding that the Government of Nicaragua hold the next elections on November 7 “under observation by the OAS and another credible international observation.” In addition, they demand “the immediate release from jail of presidential candidates and the other political prisoners.”

The resolution had no votes against, and seven countries abstained: Barbados, Mexico, Argentina, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Bolivia, Guatemala and Honduras.

The resolution urges the Nicaraguan government to implement without delay the principles of the Interamerican Democratic Charter and to ensure that all internationally recognized standards, including agreed electoral reforms, are in place to ensure that free, fair and transparent elections are held as soon as possible, under OAS supervision and other credible international monitoring.

The Nicaraguan delegation to the OAS excluded itself from the Permanent Council meeting in which the resolution was approved, promoted by the missions of Canada, Antigua and Barbuda, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, the United States, Paraguay and Uruguay.

In the text, the 26 countries expressed their “grave concern” over the fact that Nicaragua has ignored the efforts of the OAS Permanent Council to commit itself to holding “free and fair” elections.

The countries warned that they will adopt, “if necessary, other actions in accordance with the Charter of the Organization of American States and the Inter-American Democratic Charter. They indicated that  an assessment of the November 7 vote will be an agenda item during the 51st General Assembly,” which it will take place on November 10th.

Read more from Nicaragua here on Havana Times.