Ortega Defends and Accuses Opponents of Terrorism in Nicaragua

HAVANA TIMES – After several days of an armed offensive against protesters in many cities of Nicaragua, resulting in dozens killed and hundreds wounded and kidnapped, the Ortega government issued a declaration today to let the population know of its plans to pacify the country.
The statement comes on the same day several bishops of the Nicaraguan Episcopal Conference, accompanied by the Pope’s Nuncio for the country, were violently attacked at the Catholic Church in Diriamba in the south of the country. They had gone on a humanitarian mission to this city that had greatly suffered during the weekend Police and paramilitary attacks.
The Bishops were accompanied by journalists from several independent media who had their cameras and other equipment stolen by the pro-Ortega mob. The visit, which was also to include Jinotepe, was cut short due to the aggressive reception and the injuries suffered by some of the bishops, priests and journalists.
However, later in the day, the Jinotepe church was also visited by an Ortega mob, with Police protection, and they proceeded to completely sack the church, destroy furniture and toss out medicine collected to attend the wounded in the paramilitary and police attacks on demonstrators. (See the videos below)
The following is the complete government statement:
Declaration of the Government of Nicaragua on the Duty of the State to defend Security, Peace and the Right to Life

The Government of Reconciliation and National Unity (GRUN), makes it known to Nicaraguan families and all our people, that as a legitimately constituted State and Government and based on the Political Constitution and the Laws of the Republic, we have the duty to defend Security, Peace, the right to Life and the exercise of the fundamental rights of all Nicaraguans, including the right to free movement of people, vehicles and merchandise throughout the national territory.
The Government of Reconciliation and National Unity (GRUN), has as its first priority to fulfill and enforce our duty to defend the Right to Security, Peace and Life of all Nicaraguans.
Since April 18 of this year Nicaraguan families have suffered the violence of terrorists who have murdered, tortured and kidnapped hundreds of citizens, the same ones who burned destroyed and looted family homes, public buildings, small and medium businesses. Therefore, it is up to the State to act in accordance with the Law and to guarantee the Right of citizens to live in Peace, with Security, respect for human rights consigned in our Political Constitution, in the Charters of International Organizations and Covenants on Human Rights.
We reiterate, as we have expressed at all times, our full willingness to listen to all proposals and initiatives, within the constitutional and institutional framework and the laws that govern our country, so that we can agree on their approval, including previously points that have to do with peace, security, tranquility of all Nicaraguan families; the cessation of terrorism, the free movement of people and public and private transport that is vital for the survival of all Nicaraguan families.
The Government of Reconciliation and National Unity (GRUN), in compliance with the mandate of Nicaraguan families, reaffirm that we will only address other specific agendas in the National Dialogue related to the Democratization process, in accordance with the Political Constitution and the Laws of the State, once the serious problem of terrorism, insecurity and violence, exercised in Nicaragua by those who have proposed to alter our Constitutional and Legal Order, using the terrorism systematically practiced at the roadblocks, converted into areas of violence, torture and kidnapping, has been addressed and resolved in a verifiable manner.
The Government of Reconciliation and National Unity (GRUN), reiterates to our people a firm and non-delegable commitment to continue working to restore security, peace, the right to life, harmony and peaceful coexistence of all Nicaraguans fighting against the terrorism, kidnapping, inhuman, cruel and degrading treatment, enforcing the constitution and the Laws of our Country, for the sake of the Common Good, for which the Nicaraguan Police and all State Institutions must comply with the functions and missions that the Constitution and the Laws of the Republic mandate.
Managua, July 9, 2018
Videos from the pro-Ortega government mob attack on Monday July 9 on the main Catholic Church in Jinotepe from 100% Noticias: