Peru Appears Headed to Runoff for President

Voters Cast Ballots in Deadliest Week of COVID-19 Pandemic

Peru held the first round of presidential elecions on Siunday. The runoff between the top two vote getters will take place in June.

By Democracy Now

HAVANA TIMES – In Peru, as the country faced its deadliest week since the pandemic began, people took to the polls to elect a new president and Congress in what analysts are calling Peru’s most fragmented election in history.

Leftist candidate Pedro Castillo is leading in the polls, followed by liberal economist Hernando de Soto and conservative Keiko Fujimori — the daughter of former President Alberto Fujimori, convicted in 2009 of crimes against humanity.

There were 18 presidential candidates on the ballot. The top two candidates will advance to a runoff election in June.

Read more news here on Havana Times.