Posada Carriles’ Man Headed for Cuba

HAVANA TIMES, July 7 – The government of Venezuela will deport to Cuba Salvadoran Francisco Chávez Abarca, accused in the island of preparing the attacks against hotel installations in 1997 which caused the death of Italian tourist Fabio di Celmo, announced Hugo Chávez, president of the South American country, reported IPS.

Chavez Abarca is considered to be a right hand man of Luis Posada Carriles, who previously boasted of the bombing of a Cuban passenger plane in 1976 that killed 73 persons.  Posada, a long time CIA operative, lives in Miami, Florida.

One thought on “Posada Carriles’ Man Headed for Cuba

  • Good, bring him and if it is proven that he did what is said..Let him feel the wrath of Cubas gulags..

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