Protests & Celebrations Mark International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day in Japan

By Democracy Now

HAVANA TIMES – Thousands of women around the world are taking to the streets to mark International Women’s Day today. Actions took place across Turkey, India, Bangladesh and other regions in recent days. Marches in Pakistan were met with the threat of violence, but women’s rights advocates vowed to move forward with rallies in Islamabad and other cities.

In Mexico, activists denounced the growing number of femicides in the country. A blimp was seen flying over Mexico City Monday with the words “10 femicides per day” and “No victim is forgotten.” Meanwhile, Bolivian feminist groups protested in the capital La Paz Monday.

Jimena Aruquipa: “Justice for us all! We have come to demand justice. We have sons and daughters who are crying in our homes, and the judges and prosecutors are not interested in justice. Are you not born of a mother? Do you not have sisters? We only ask for justice!”

Read more news here on Havana Times