R. Castro Africa Tour Hits Angola

HAVANA TIMES, July 20 – Cuban President Raul Castro continued his African tour Monday afternoon arriving in Angola from Namibia.  He previously visited Algeria and attended the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in Egypt where Cuba handed over the chair to the organization after a three year presidency.

The Cuban press reported that during his two-day stay, Raul Castro will meet with President Jose Eduardo Dos Santos and other leaders.

The trip to Angola is Castro’s second official visit to the southwest African nation since becoming Cuba’s president in February 2008.   The first visit took place in February, 2009.

One thought on “R. Castro Africa Tour Hits Angola

  • Angola, and other parts of the West Coast of Africa are from where my grt grt grandparents etc were kidnapped and brought to Cuba. At the slave Museum which i have toured in Matanzas there are wonderful artifacts etc speaking to those terrible and horrific times in our family. We are most proud of the Museum and like Ghanas slave coast and Senegals Goree Island this is Our story vs His-story yet the pain and rememberances will never cease we simply say NEVER AGAIN!

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