Released Cuban Dissident in Miami

HAVANA TIMES, July 29 – Paraplegic dissident Ariel Sigler, released from prison last June 12, since this Wednesday is in Miami, the mecca of the Cuban exile in the United States, where he was welcomed by around 100 supporters. Sigler is the first prisoner released after the dialogue that began in May between President Raúl Castro and Cardinal Jaime Ortega, reported IPS.

One thought on “Released Cuban Dissident in Miami

  • I have not a clue what this guy stands for, or the rationale of the cuban government for locking him up (not good, I’m sure). All I can say about people like this is that they (for the most part) have chosen not to understand the need for socialism in the World: and have instead chosen to embrace the backwardness — and even ugliness — of the Old Order, for whatever reasons. And AFAIC this is condemnation enuff of these people and what they ‘stand for’ — i.e. whatever self-delusions they maintain about their rôle in society and the World, aided and abetted by the cynical exploiters, murderers and slavers of Imperialism.

    So this guy can go to Hell, AFAIC. Good riddance. Even if he had a point (or two or three) at one time. I hope he enjoys the rest of his life in Florida, if not in Miami Beach.

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