Rights Groups Sound Alarm as Nicaragua’s Gov’t Escalates Crackdown

on any and all opposition

Starting September 2018 Daniel Ortega’s Police expanded their brutal repression of any type of protest in Nicaragua. File Photo: Carlos Herrera / Confidencial

By Democracy Now

HAVANA TIMES – The UN and other rights groups are condemning the government of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega over its mounting crackdown on opposition ahead of the November election. At least 20 people have been arrested this month, including five presidential candidates. Ortega is widely expected to run for a fourth presidential term. Meanwhile, Mexico and Argentina have withdrawn their ambassadors to Nicaragua. The Biden administration also imposed new sanctions on four Nicaraguan officials and Ortega allies earlier this month. This is José Miguel Vivanco of Human Rights Watch.

José Miguel Vivanco: “We are asking Secretary-General António Guterres to go to the United Nations Security Council and report on the seriousness of what is happening in Nicaragua, not only around the abuses, the flagrant violations of fundamental rights and human rights, but also on the repercussions this may have for the region and from the point of view of the refugees who have had to flee Nicaragua.”

These are the 20 high profile opposition leaders and activists arrested starting June 2nd. They include presidential candidates, journalists, historic Sandinistas from the struggle against Somoza and business leaders.

Read more from Nicaragua here.