Transformations will advance in Cuba, says Spanish official

HAVANA TIMES, Sept. 2  —The ruling Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) has the will to “advance in a very clear way in that process of transformations and economic and social reforms,” Leire Pajín, secretary of the Spanish Workers Socialist Party (PSOE), in power in Spain since 2004, affirmed in statements to the press after meeting with Jorge Martí, head of international relations of the PCC, reported IPS.

While in Havana, Pajin also praised the mediation efforts of Cuban Cardinal Jaime Ortega and thanked him for his work in the negotiations for the release of 52 Cuban political prisoners.  He reiterated her party’s wish to “have a new framework in relations between the European Union and Cuba, which would bring about many benefits at this moment and in this process.”

One thought on “Transformations will advance in Cuba, says Spanish official

  • Praise of the cuban PCC from capitalist tools like the spanish social-democrats should set off alarm bells anywhere in the real socialist World. I really believe that the PCC should clean house — and really, really soon too — or face the distinct possibility of its internal Fifth Column staging a coup and bringing about the complete restoration of capitalism on the island. However, recent developments do not bode well for such an urgently necessary course of action.

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