US Airlines Reduce Flights to Nicaragua in Crisis

In the case of American Airlines and Delta, the frequency of daily flights was reduced from three to one, while United Airlines will cease to operate fully for two weeks, Valenti told local daily El Nuevo Diario.
HAVANA TIMES – The four main US airlines this week reduced their frequency of flights to Nicaragua and suspended overnight trips due to the serious crisis that is shaking the Central American country, tourism sources announced today.
Lucy Valenti, president of the National Chamber of Tourism (Canatur), said that the airlines that suspended flights or adjusted their schedules to daytime flights are American Airlines, United, Delta and Spirit.
In the case of American Airlines and Delta, the frequency of daily flights was reduced from three to one, while United Airlines will cease to operate fully for two weeks, Valenti told local daily El Nuevo Diario.
United explained in a message to the press that they had decided to cancel night flights and only make them by day “for the safety of our customers and our employees”. However, from August 21 and September 3 that change could not be made and the flights were temporarily suspended.
Meanwhile, Spirit airlines suspended its night flights between the United States and Nicaragua and reduced them from six to two per week, the source said.
The tourism industry is the most affected by the crisis, the worst in the country in the last 40 years and has caused losses to the economy that exceed 2 billion US dollars and the loss of 250,000 jobs, a quarter of the total formal work force of the country with 6 million inhabitants.
“The crisis we are experiencing has resulted in a drastic reduction of visitors to the country,” Valenti said. “No person is going to come to a country where there is no social peace and where there is violence every day,” she added.
The conflict began on April 18 with a student protest and worsened after the violent repression by police and paramilitaries, which has left somewhere between 317 and 450 dead and more than 2,800 injured according to human rights organizations. The Government registers 195 deaths.
As part of the problem, gangs of delinquents and paramilitary groups associated with the Government emerge from the shadows at night, roaming the streets of Managua and other cities of the country committing murders, kidnappings and assaults. Others operate in broad daylight.
Falso te compraron y Dios te la va a cobrar
Carlos o contesta en inglés o ponga sus comentarios en los mismos articulos de HT en español.
El pueblo de Sandino está en la calle, como Sandino en su epoca en las Montañas, luchando contra la opresion de la dictadura Ortega Murillo, cuyo gobierno viola sistematicamente Los ddhh havsido condenado por Toda America LATINA, menos Vzla y Bolivia.
Benjamin, la noticia es una realidad, guste o no. Los aerolineas son un negocio y si no hay pasajeros claro que reducen la cantidad de vuelos. Nadie esta obligado a visita a Nicaragua con o sín la supuesta “normalidad” que proyecta el gobierno.
Esta noticia es un articulo de mala hechura para justificar el intento de golpe de estado contra el gobierno legal y pacifico de Nicaragua.Este gobierno estable y bien dirigido por Daniel Ortega y Rosario Murillo fue atacado por el gobierno de Estados unidos y las bandas delincuenciales de la region…..Esperamos dejen quieto al pueblo de Sandino…..Benjamin Vazquez
It’s about time…let the market deside if nic tourism is worth 400 usd per nite…Pelas AND Ortega are the same idea….