US Embassy in Havana Goes Solar

By Tracey Eaton

solar-string-kit-8kw_largeHAVANA TIMES β€” The United States Embassy in Havana recently purchased a solar power system for $55,120.66, records show.

The system should be installed by Oct. 15. Records available online don’t show whether the system is for the embassy or for another building.

California-based Gigawatt Inc. is the contractor. The solar system is listed as an “8000 Watt (8 kW) Solar Install kit W/String inverter system.”

Gigawatt’s e-commerce site,, sells the system for $13,338, not including installation, labor and shipping.


3 thoughts on “US Embassy in Havana Goes Solar

  • The former US Section Office has always had an ample back-up Power supply. Highlighting the Castros failed power supply history is too easy.

  • Come on, Moses. You should know that the electricity grid in Habana is notoriously unreliable and the embassy must always have power for key functions. I’m surprised that you didn’t jump all over that to slam the Castro government for yet another of their further deficiencies. You’re slipping…. πŸ˜‰

  • ….so what?

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