US State Dept. Official Resigns After US Claims Israel Is Not Obstructing Aid to Gaza

Stacy Gilbert gave up her career to take a stand she feels is morally correct.

By Democracy Now

HAVANA TIMES – Another senior official at the State Department has resigned to protest President Biden’s policies on Gaza. The official, Stacy Gilbert, served in the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration. The Washington Post reports Gilbert sent an email to staff on Tuesday criticizing a recent State Department report that concluded that Israel is not obstructing U.S. humanitarian assistance to Gaza.

Lea más noticias aquí en Havana Times.

One thought on “US State Dept. Official Resigns After US Claims Israel Is Not Obstructing Aid to Gaza

  • Stacy Gilbert is to be congratulated. Biden’s unwillingness to take on Israel is a tremendous moral failure that puts America in the same position as the “good Germans” who failed to oppose Hitler’s genocide and the industrialists who supported his war effort.

    I am a retired American diplomat who served 32 years, a Jew who lost relatives in the Holocuast, and a former professor of National Security Strategy at the US Army War College. Right now I am ashamed of my government. .

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