Venezuela: Polling Places Installed for Sunday’s Election

Opposition leaders at a press conference. Credit: Prensa PUD / X / Social Networks

By Efecto Cucuyo

HAVANA TIMES – Delsa Solorzano, an opposition leader and principal witness for the opposition before the National Electoral Council (CNE), reported that the installation of polling stations by electoral staff for Sunday’s presidential elections was completed with few anomalies.

“Less than 1% incidence at polling stations. I reiterate, nothing more happened because our witnesses were there, and they will do the same this Sunday,” Solórzano said during a press conference on Friday, July 26, from Caracas.

Solorzano confirmed that by 5:20 PM, more than 90% of the polling stations had already been installed in Venezuela.

“We repeat what has just been confirmed by the CNE, which states that the polling stations will close at 6 PM as long as there are no voters in line. If there are voters in line, they remain open,” Solorzano added

Witnesses Must Receive Copies of Both Records

The opposition leader informed that witnesses must receive a copy of the voting record once the electoral process is over, as well as a copy of the tabulated results. “I want to reiterate that our witnesses are not only trained but are there to see that the laws are respected,” she said.

“The good news today is that our witnesses are there, they are watching over the process. We have received rumors, let’s not pay attention to that,” she emphasized.

Solórzano stressed that it is forbidden for people to take photos of the ballots reflecting their vote. “This is prohibited by Venezuelan law to prevent coercion. We are law-abiding people who uphold the law and lead by example,” she stated.

The representative of the opposition witnesses called on the National Armed Forces to comply with the law and ensure that only their personnel perform security functions at the polling stations.

The former legislator insisted that the results announced by the CNE on Sunday be based on the tabulation sheets. “The same records that the CNE has are the same ones we will have. This is stipulated by law. Witnesses have the right to copies of the voting records,” she specified.

Rejects Blocking the Entry of Former Presidents to Venezuela

Solorzano also expressed concern over the Maduro government’s decision to prevent a group of former presidents from Spain and Latin America from arriving in Venezuela to participate as observers of the electoral process.

“The former presidents were not allowed to enter Venezuela. What does the government not want them to see? What are they trying to hide?” she criticized.

Solorzano called on the government: “We are in the democratic game that we want to continue playing until the end. We want to vote in peace.”

Originally published in Spanish by Efecto Cucuyo and translated an posted in English by Havana Times.

Read more from Nicaragua and Cuba here on Havana Times.

One thought on “Venezuela: Polling Places Installed for Sunday’s Election

  • Polling stations are set for Venezuela’s presidential election this Sunday! ️ Opposition leader Delsa Solorzano reports minimal issues and emphasizes the importance of witnesses ensuring a fair process. #VenezuelaVotes #DemocracyInAction

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