Venezuela’s Attorney General Denounces Rupture of Constitutional Order

Venezuelan attorney general Luisa Ortega Diaz. Photo:

HAVANA TIMES – Venezuelan Attorney General Luisa Ortega Diaz said today that the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) to take over the functions of the National Assembly represents a constitutional rupture, reported dpa.

Ortega noted that in the recent decisions of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court [stacked with appointees of the Maduro government] occurred several violations of the Constitution.

The prosecutor referred to Constitutional Chamber rulings 155 and 156 issued on Tuesday and Wednesday, which first limited parliamentary immunity of deputies and then the TSJ assuming the powers of the legislature under the allegation of a presumed contempt of court.

“These sentences show several violations of the constitutional order and ignorance of the model of state enshrined in the Constitution, which constitutes a breach of constitutional order,” Ortega said when reading a statement at her Attorney General’s office.

Ortega stressed that she felt the obligation and the historic duty to express her deep concern about recent events, especially “considering that all Venezuelans achieved this social contract that is the Constitution of Venezuela.”

“As the highest representative of the Public Ministry, on behalf of 10,000 officials and their almost 3,000 prosecutors who exercise their functions autonomously, I call for reflection to take democratic paths, to respect the Constitution, to foster an atmosphere of respect for the Magna Carta and rescue plurality,” she said.

Ortega also called on the country to seek ways to ensure peace to overcome obstacles that affect the quality of life of Venezuelans and that the population demands.

The speaker of the National Assembly, Julio Borges, reiterated at a press conference that a coup in Venezuela was perpetrated, but he applauded Ortega’s statements.

“We appeal to all the institutions of the country, the Armed Forces, the Ombudsman’s Office, the Comptroller’s Office, and the magistrates [to do what’s right]: This step taken by the chief prosecutor to value the Constitution is being recognized around the world. It is time to obey conscience, values, it is time for the country’s head to be the Constitution,” said Borges.

He added that the best dialogue that Venezuelans have is to vote in free elections, stressing the possibility that a way out of the crisis of the country could come from a possible general election this year.

The TSJ alleged contempt of its rulings by the National Assembly to justify its taking over the legislative functions, which aroused widespread rejection in the region. The Court says the contempt resulted from the refusal of the Assembly to dismiss three deputies from the Amazon region whose election was questioned by Maduro’s Socialist Unity Party (PSUV).

The Maduro government is the chief economic and political ally of the Cuban government of Raul Castro, preoccupied about losing its cheap oil supply.