Venezuela’s Maduro Makes Lightening Visit to Fidel Castro

HAVANA TIMES — In difficult or decisive moments of his administration, former Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez would visit his mentor Fidel Castro. History appears to repeat itself with his hand-picked successor Nicolas Maduro, who made an unannounced trip to Havana to meet with the Cuban leader on Tuesday February 17.
Maduro also met with the current Cuban president Raul Castro, reported the official Cubadebate website on Thursday.
“I was in Cuba (…) I took advantage of it being Carnival Tuesday and visited Commander Fidel Castro Ruz, who sent his greetings to the people of Venezuela,” said Maduro Thursday night on television.
Without mentioning if they talked about the economic crisis or shortages of basic products facing Venezuela, or his accusation this week that the United States and the Venezuelan opposition were planning a coup, Maduro said: “We talked about the world, about peace, about climate changes; we conversed on many topics.”
Please provide a link to ANY media, anywhere, where EVIDENCE of a coup was reported. Talking birds notwithstanding.
Here you go again. “legitimate media” As if the media in the USA is not controlled by a few.
There has been a coup, not just an attempt, against the elected mayor of Caracas. I have absolutely no doubts that Maduro is totally scared of free and fair elections where the opposition would have equal access to television and other media.Therefore the dirty tricks. When did the elected mayor of Caracas last get a slot on Telesur to put forward his point of view?
Batista propaganda machine? He’s been gone these past 55+ years. It’s all you have to hang your gat in isn’t it. And you need to drag out his skeletal remains to distract from the disaster that is 21st century Cuba
Really? There has been evidence of the coup reported in the legitimate media? I missed it. Send the link please. While you are it, send the link that proves that the US caused Chavez’ cancer and the one that connects the US to the current shortages. Just for giggles, does a little bird with Chavez’ spirit talk to you too?
WTF? Present tense please. Everything you wrote may or may not be true but it has nothing to do with the current devaluation of the Bolivar. That problem rest squarely Chavez and his muppet Maduro’s shoulders. But for chuckles, connect the dots between the tyrant Batista (whom I have never said I supported) and the nearly 80% inflation in Venezuela today.
I assume, Moses, that the well-funded and well-greased Batistiano propaganda machine considers everyone “a clown” if they disagree with your diatribes. I am sure you conveniently dis-remember 2002 when the Bush administration put Latin American affairs in the hands of Otto Reich and Roger Noriega…and then, all of a sudden, there was a coup that briefly overthrew the democratically elected Venezuelan government, with the further embarrassment being the quick but premature recognition of the “new government” by the Reich-Noriega U. S. State Department. When Batistiano propagandists can totally dismiss history — the 2002 Venezuelan coup, the terrorist bomb that downed Cubana Flight 455 in 1976, etc. — then there is no chance for Americans to get a proper perspective of why the Caribbean and Latin American nations, in unanimity, support Cuba in most of its relations with the United States. My passion for Cuba relates to the fact that the island says more about the U. S. than it says about Cuba, by far. One thing it says is the U. S. insulted democracy in 1952 when it teamed with the Mafia to support the Batista dictatorship in Cuba; and then beginning in 1959 it made an even bigger insult to democracy when it began decades of support to two generations of Batistianos trying to regain control of the island to return brutality and thievery just off American shores. Of course, Moses, your version of history denies all that — including Batista, Luciano, Lansky, Trafficante Jr., etc. Fine fellows, weren’t they, Moses? Sanitizing them is always the first step in vilifying the revolution, which leaves a lot to be desired but even you, Moses, would have trouble aligning it with the Mafia.
“unfounded accusation of a coup plot.” you must be living on the moon.
Political intrigue. Nothing is as it first appears. Be careful.
Yeah, I’m sure Maduro just popped by Havana to discuss climate change with Fidel.
Maduro visits Cuba on the 17th. Then on the evening of the 19th, the Venezuelan state intelligence police, SEBIN, arrested the mayor of Caracas on accusations he was plotting a coup. The Castro regime is directing Maduro on how to strangle democracy in Venezuela.
When Venezuelan business seeking to purchase imports using USD go to the bank to buy dollars, the government sets the exchange rate at 6.3 or 12 bolivars to the dollar. However, on the street, the market exchange rate is as high as 190 bolivars to the dollar. Given this differential, the Castro/Maduro government limits the sale of dollars to Venezuelan businesses. This is the chief cause of shortages in the country. In the midst of this economic maelstrom, Maduro decides to leave the country to visit his handlers? What is that about? At the same time he orders the arrests of the Mayor of the largest metropolitan area in Venezuela on the basis of unfounded accusation of a coup plot. What a clown!