Xiomara Castro Sworn In as First Woman President in Honduras

Xiomara Castro en el día de su toma de posesión, el 27 de enero de 2022.

By Democracy Now

HAVANA TIMES – In Honduras, Xiomara Castro was sworn in Thursday as the first woman president in the country’s history. Thousands of supporters attended Castro’s inauguration ceremony at the national stadium in the capital Tegucigalpa. During her speech, Castro ordered free electricity for Hondurans living in extreme poverty, vowed justice for Berta Cáceres and other murdered land and water defenders, and said her government will not continue to loot Honduras.

President Xiomara Castro: “Poverty increased by 74% to make us the poorest country in Latin America. This figure by itself explains the migrant caravan of thousands of people of all ages who flee to the north, Mexico and the United States, looking for a place and a way to subsist, regardless of risk it implies for their lives.”

Castro’s presidency marks the end of a brutal 12-year regime by the U.S.-backed right-wing National Party, which first came to power after the 2009 U.S.-backed coup that overthrew Castro’s husband, former leftist President Manuel Zelaya. This comes as many are demanding outgoing Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández be indicted and extradited to the United States to face charges of aiding drug traffickers, including his brother.

Read more news here on Havana Times.

3 thoughts on “Xiomara Castro Sworn In as First Woman President in Honduras

  • Very wise Nick, forgets to notice democracy is ascending in freedom-loving places like Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Russia, China, etc. all socialist utopias. You have a leftist Democrat in the Whitehouse and democracy is in descendance?…than blame that side! Critique these murderous leftists regimes and you will start your path to credibility.

  • The good lady IS a self proclaimed Democratic Socialist. This is great news.

  • She’s apparently a ‘leftist’.
    Therefore it’s only a matter of time before she gets f**ked over by some right wing US government or other.
    Right wing North Americans rule the roost for the short to medium term but alas, democracy over in the USA looks like a concept that is in inevitable decline.
    Democracy in the USA looked like a promising possibility for a good few decades.
    It got so close to coming to fruition.

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