A Call for Tolerance in Cuba
Loosen up, Magaly

By Xel2 (El Toque)
HAVANA TIMES – For several weeks, Cuban television has dedicated a significant number of audiovisual materials to accuse independent journalists and other political actors of being mercenaries and subversives. Their sin is to question power and its policies.
As usual, most of the independent media were put in the same bag. The justification describes a reality as complex as ours in black and white, without nuances. This hateful and fearful propaganda seems to be taken from a dystopian world in the purest Orwellian style.
My recommendation for the new year to policy makers is that they consume other literature. That they try to become better informed and enjoy the materials in the weekly package. However, above all, that they stop being so old fashioned. The cold war is over, there are not two sides here: we are all citizens of Cuba and the diversity of thought is a fact, which we have to turn into something harmonious.
Peace, love and prosperity for all in this new year that is just beginning,
Wimar Verdecia Fuentes.

Dan. You really don’t want to see the horrible reality in Cuba and the lack of freedom. That young men that was arrested two weeks ago for holding a sign demanding freedom of expression in Cuba and now is accused of terrorismo de estado waiting in jail a trial. Next time when you in Havana try to visit him in jail. If your blind ideology allows you .
Dan, if they receive that money it’s a good thing for the Cuban economy as they’re stuck in Cuba and can’t do anything with the money except spend it in Cuba.
Maybe if they were actually independent of the US Regime Change machinery, they would not be seen as such a threat. But these “journalists” receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in US taxpayer funding.