Are Cubans Tired or Irresponsible?
By Aurelio Pedroso (Progreso Semanal)

HAVANA TIMES – The number of people infected with the Covid-19 virus in recent days is clearly on the rise. A record number of 217 registered on December 24th, makes us think very seriously about the situation. Is it that people have thrown precautions aside, underestimating the danger? Or do they irresponsibly fail to comply with health protocols and ordinances?
And watch out because it might be a combination of all those elements together. A diabolical cocktail embraced with as much force as that of relatives or friends who return to the island and spread the pandemic right and left. Just like those that distribute cards on a street promoting their mattress repair business.
It is an extremely serious issue and problem for the new year. We already have enough difficulties on a day-to-day basis, as well as a collection of challenges to overcome. It might qualify as an extreme sports competition. Strength and courage, as the gladiators of ancient Rome said to each other.
Our crowd psychologists have an urgent task ahead explaining to us what is happening. At first glance it is the elderly who are taking care of themselves the most. They greet each other from afar, while handshakes, hugs and even kisses have returned in other ages.
Has Covid-19 mutated into one of those siren songs that drove warriors crazy?
Fortunately, the Public Health authorities have just issued a provision that will help a lot. As of January 1, each passenger arriving in Cuba must bring their negative Covid certificate. Somewhat late, but necessary.
Luckily, and I maintain it from a reliable source, we will soon have the vaccine.
The Majority of Cubans are Uninspired, Tired & Irresponsible Towards the Brain Dead Governments Revolution, Controlling what could be Cuban childrens Future if People Do Not Create Positive Living Breathing changes before it is Too Late. Investment of Innovations a Path The Cuban People will Find if there Controls are Removed forever. Yes With The Help From Outside & your Choice, The Peoples Choice Inspires a Nation Creating Freedom they have only Watched &Herd of, Never to Experience there Dreams Can Come Reality every Day. Uninspired Nation Holding on To a Forgotten Dead Revolution Going Backwards Every Minute of Every Day over the Past 60 plus Years with No Future. That is what all Canadians understand of Cuba Today.
“As of January 1, each passenger arriving in Cuba must bring their negative Covid certificate. Somewhat late, but necessary.”
I couldn’t agree more with Aurelio’s sage sentiment. Cuba is taking a very positive necessary protocol to try and stymie this proliferating pandemic. Some tourists abide by the present protocols in place but as the Cuban statistics indicate the majority do not seem to care putting Cuban lives in peril. This non-compliant behavior is unacceptable.
Aurelio, in the title to his article, asks the question: “Are Cubans Tired or Irresponsible? I don’t know about the Cubans but if they are anything like some Canadians, I suppose it is a bit of both. All of Ontario is now in a pandemic lockdown: the south for 28 days; the north for 14 days. Why? Did the province not have a lockdown in March and April in the so called “first wave.” Was this not enough to reduce case numbers and flatten the curve?
Like Cuba, as Aurelio, states: “The number of people infected with the Covid-19 virus in recent days is clearly on the rise.” That is in Cuba and likewise in Ontario, Canada. The number of cases in Ontario have been rising for the last few months, specifically over 4,300 COVID cases in the last two days alone, December 24 and December 25. This rising trend is a bad omen particularly for hospitals who are becoming over capacitated.
Aurelio poses further pertinent questions as to why the increase in cases in Cuba which aptly apply to Canada. “Is it that people have thrown precautions aside, underestimating the danger? Or do they irresponsibly fail to comply with health protocols and ordinances? For the Ontario situation it is a combination of both: throwing precautions aside and irresponsibility.
Before the holiday season, people were cautioned to not gather in large numbers and to stay at home. The provincial government has had to take drastic measures and shut down the province to prevent people from entering eateries, places of worship, recreational areas, cinemas, and other public non-essential places. People returning from outside the country not observing quarantine protocols whereby police have had to fine irresponsible non-compliant compatriots.
Canadians at the time of this writing are already being vaccinated with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Perhaps this is causing some Ontarians to throw caution to the wind and feel immunity is only around the corner so the once strict pandemic protocols can be relaxed, or so the reasoning seems to suggest.
Many Canadians vacation in Cuba in the winter months so it is only appropriate for the Cuban government to insist and demand all foreign visitors to be COVID free with certified proof before entering the country. Now, if only the Canadian government would do the same and require all entrants to Canada to also prove COVID free status before entering the country this will certainly result in case numbers to definitely decrease.
Tiredness may not disappear but the irresponsibility will at least be mitigated at the source.