Cold War Reloaded

Cover design: Janet Aguilar

By Xel2 (El Toque)

HAVANA TIMES – This week we have drawn on what seems to be another expression of Cold War and how it may affect us. Just a week ago, the Russian vice president did not rule out the possibility of sending troops to Cuba and Venezuela in case tensions with the West increase.

Many then expected some positioning of the Cuban Government; but it seems that the strong denunciations of the Russian deputy foreign minister were only directed for the United States.

On the geopolitical board of the great powers, we continue to be a token of change, in which our national sovereignty or the lives of our citizens are put at risk.

This new escalation is nothing more than a new arm wrestle of military power between Russia and the United States, reminiscent of the old roles that are still greased.

We hope that the situation does not escalate and that if there is any strike, it will be dealt to the same politicians who are pushing others and fueling old quarrels.

Greetings and good Sunday,

Wimar Verdecia Fuentes

COLD WAR Snowcones
Hey, how does it look on me?

YESTERDAY: “Nikita, faggot, you can’t take back what you give!   TODAY: “Putin, little Czar, Tintirintintin!”


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