Cuba Never had Socialism, Just the Castro Dynasty
By Benjamin Noria

HAVANA TIMES – Socialism has never existed in Cuba in all of these years, it’s never had anything even close. Instead, you could say we have a Parliamentary Monarchy. This is what the conclusions from the recent VIII Cuban Communist Party Congress have shown me.
By sheer chance, it was the Cuban president, Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez, who was elected as the First Secretary of the Communist Party. As you can see, power and positions of power are being handed around from hand to hand. I had hoped that another person would have been chosen, somebody new with fresh ideas, but nope, the next in line had already been preestablished.
I said “Monarchy”, even though there isn’t a king in reality, but if you take a close look at Cuba, there has been a dynasty, the Castro Dynasty. Ever since Fidel Castro took power, there has been noone else who has ruled other than him. The Castro Dynasty is Cuban totalitarianism. Just like King Louis XIV of France said that talking about the French State was to talk about him, the same goes for the Castros.
Cuba doesn’t belong to the Cuban people, but to the Castro Dynasty. Sovereignty doesn’t lie with the people. Socialism means collective ownership of production resources. I don’t believe that has anything to do with the definition of dynasty and monarchy. Communism means a trend towards the general, equality.
I don’t think the Castros are equal to the Cuban people. They have their yachts, private estates, gyms and private movie theaters, etc., and no Cuban has the right to enjoy anything like this. What’s more, eating beef and lobster is a crime for citizens in this country.
In Cuba, there is only one political party, one ideology. The State has an iron hold of the army, police and media and, last but not least, it also has its centrally-planned economy. As a result, I think that none of this has to do with the concepts of a republic, democracy or freedom. I haven’t been able to find Cuban citizens’ rights and freedoms stipulated in any decree that is issued in this country.
Fanaticism has blinded the Cuban government for decades, and they have forgotten to satisfy the Cuban people’s needs, which is their primary task. They have forgotten about the natural rights of every human being. They are the ones who tell us which movies we can and can’t watch, they are the ones who choose what is bad and good for the Cuban people and they give us instructions on how to be happy.
When the last leader of the Revolution passes away, a civil war is pretty likely. There might be a struggle for power between Raul and Fidel Castro’s grandchildren and the grandchildren of Che and the leaders of the western, central and eastern armies, and the other old leaders that remain.
If this does happen, it will be because the Castros have not guaranteed in the Constitution proper means for a free presidential election, with an expiry date. The US has these kinds of elections and a republic that has survived longer than Cuba, and it works and generates wealth and has economic growth and makes great scientific advances.
All we can do now is wait and see what shape our nation’s destiny takes, which is very uncertain. The one thing that is certain is that there will be no reform like the Glasnost and Perestroika that can dismantle what the Castro Dynasty has done in this country.
Hardship, poor quality of life and the economic shadow that the Castro Dynasty has left behind, can’t even be compared with the Plague that God sent the king of Egypt in the Bible, when he held the people of Israel against their will for no reason.
Anti Imperialist,
I wouldn’t describe the Windrush scandal as a colonial past coming home to roost. I would describe it as a disgraceful exclusion of people returning to their homes for reasons of skin colour in order to appease far right sympathisers and a kow-towing to a rabid anti immigration atmosphere.
I don’t really see that people are excluded from the U.K. due to specific criticism of any political party but one aspect of the described scandal is that a conservative government excluded a bunch of people who are statistically more likely to vote for the opposition.
People can be excluded from the U.K. for ‘collaborating with the enemy’.
My understanding is that this is the pretext for the exclusions from Cuba that you describe. As we all know the Cuban Government regards itself as being under some kind of siege. I can see their rationale but it would not really be a rationale that I would agree with. In fact is plenty that the Cuban Government does that I would not agree with.
There is no direct comparison with the U.K. But then again, last time I checked, the U.K. is not embargoed. Neither does it have the world’s number one superpower intent on unseating the powers that be.
To my mind there are shortcomings on both sides of the Florida Strait and on both sides of the Atlantic. And all over the world.
I state that I am aware of the privilege and advantage of being from a relatively wealthy country.
Are you aware of your privileges?
Nick, bringing this back in relation to Cuba. Reading the Windrush Scandal was interesting. One of many chapters of a colonial past coming home to roost and mostly over race issues. Now, in the case of the thousands of Cubans prohibitted entry, race is not one of the issues on banishing citizens. I’m still curious to know if your country bans its citizens from entry if they oppose the labor or conservative government of the day or support some small party or because they oppose government policies or criticize leaders? If they do, they are on the par with Cuba. If they don’t, all the better for them. Let’s not drag other countries into this. It’s a comparison of British and Cuban treatment of its citizens on the issue of banishments.
And if the two countries are on the par there would still be the issue if that’s ethically and morally and legally right?
Anti Imperialist,
As I say I do recognise privilege. This doesn’t relate only to Cuba. It would be absurd to suggest that the privileges enjoyed by those from wealthy countries should be compared only to Cuba.
There are billions of underprivileged people in the world. Look at the current carnage in places such as India or Brazil. Whilst uncaring leaders watch on.
I hope you recognise your privileges too.
The owner of one of England’s biggest football teams was denied a visa to enter the country. I believe it was due to his links to Putin and the attempt to assassinate two Russian U.K. residents.
A particularly sad example of exclusion would be ‘The Windrush Scandal’. These are black people denied an entry visa in order to appease the far right. Too complex to explain here but please google it if you are interested.
There is a lot of BS in the world. Including, but by no means exclusively, in Cuba.
Nick, this is the first time I’ve read that British born citizens (just like Cubans) can be banned from entering the country. Has that been the case for a long time? Is criticizing a Conservative or Labor government or supporting some small party or demanding some non-existing right reason to be banned entry? If so, I stand corrected.
And I’m glad to read you recognized your privileges. In the case of Cuba, greater than Cuban born citizens.
Ok Anti Imperialist,
Now we get to the crux of the matter.
You are referring to people who have fallen foul of the Cuban Government in some way. You didn’t mention that aspect in your previous comment.
You don’t refer to those who emigrate in the normal fashion. In that case I would agree.
Just to clarify there are many people who have fallen foul of the British Government for a whole variety of different reasons who are denied an entry visa to the country.
You keep using the word ‘privileged’.
I am from the U.K. I feel very privileged in comparison to billions of people from less wealthy parts of this world. I regard it as a huge privilege to have travelled widely and witnessed other cultures and the huge variations in the way people live across the world.
I have seen vast inequalities within and between different places and I’m well aware of privilege and the lack thereof. I hope you are too.
Nick just to give a small example there are thousands of Cuban doctors and other medical personnel who decided to make a life in other countries. I think the Brits call that ex-pats. Some abandoned the lucractive (for the Cuban government) contracts abroad. Others decided to stay when ordered to go home. They are expressly prohibited to enter their own country. Numerous famous and not so famous artists and athletes who decided to leave the island were/are considered “worms” and “counterrevolutionaries” and couldn’t return without special permission. In the last few years there have been more exceptions for those who have spent more than eight years without touching Cuban soil and haven’t criticized the Cuban government publicly in any way. Do you see the privilege you have over many Cubans? Are British ex-pats who criticize the British system of government or a given government banned reentry?
Anti Imperialist,
I find your comment which suggests that I should be thankful that I wasn’t born on the beautiful island of Cuba to be somewhat strange. What kind of weird assertions is this?
FYI: I was born in a traditional fishing town in England where the fishing industry has long been closed down. Hey Ho.
What I’m talking about is factual. I don’t indulge in propaganda neither for nor against the somewhat dull Cuban Government.
What you have now said is this:
‘there are thousands of Cubans who took up residence abroad who aren’t allowed to visit their family in their own country. They don’t even let them in to see a parent on their death bed or to attend a funeral without very special permission, which is often denied’
That’s what you wrote.
Who doesn’t let who in?
You wanna put forward examples ?
Are you talking about regular emigres? You talking about criminals? You talking about that tiny percentage of Cuban emigres who work for belligerent foreign aggressors?
I know many Cuban people who have emigrated to all and sundry other parts of this wonderful and varied world of ours.
They go back to Cuba when they wish to.
So who are you talking about??
Please clarify if you are at all able to do so???
Nick: and be thankful you are not from Cuba because there are thousands of Cubans who took up residence abroad who aren’t allowed to visit their family in their own country. They don’t even let them in to see a parent on their death bed or to attend a funeral without very special permission, which is often denied. Foreigners have many privileges in Cuba that Cubans don’t. Enjoy your priviledge!
And Olga…..
You say you would like to ban me from going to Cuba.
Sorry but you will never have the right to ban me from seeing friends and family in Cuba.
Certain U.S. regimes have tried to restrict the freedom of their citizens by stopping them from going to Cuba.
But I ain’t from the USA so I go where I want.
Everything in my comment is factually correct.
I don’t disagree entirely with what the author of the article’s viewpoint.
But the article is factually incorrect.
In the era of widespread disinformation and fake news, people should try sticking to the facts if they wish to be taken seriously.
Oh Nick, oh Nick, you are Sr beyond. You really remind me that popular phrase: no hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver. there is no worse blind than the one who does not want to see. I hope you will be alive when Cubans enjoy finally democracy. I would personally ban you to enter but hell not you have to see how wrong you are.
Nick the writer of this opinion piece believes what followed Fidel (his brother Raul) was a continuation of a Castro Dynasty. The new president and head of the party says he represents a continuation of Fidelista Cuba. Raul’s son is the most powerful man in the secret services and his ex-son-in-law heads the military conglomerate of the most lucrative businesses. Other offspring lead a posh life that didn’t come from their salaries. I think the impression of a dynasty exists among those that support it, who proudly call it Fidelismo, and those that oppose it, that do consider it a Castro family dynasty. As the editor I have no problem with people arguing either thought.
There was never a “Castro dynasty”, let alone an appetite by the Cuban people for dynastic rule as with North Korea. Raul Castro’s two brothers, Fidel and Ramon, are dead.
You get some proper doom and gloom laden articles here on HT these days.
But if these articles are what this site is all about then at least do some basic fact checking.
Or is disinformation simply becoming the norm across all media?
Are alternative facts a fully viable alternative?
‘Ever since Fidel Castro took power, there has been noone else who has ruled other than him.’
WTF kinda ridiculous statement is that?
Clearly Fidel was the head honcho in Cuba from 1959 until 2008.
We are now in 2021.
Even if someone wants to suggest that Fidel had an influence after he ceased to be the head honcho – the man’s now been dead for five years……..
I ain’t no big fan of a continuance of the status quo in Cuba, but does HT aspire to being a publisher of fact-based articles?
Or is HT just gonna go with any old BS that is anti the Cuban Government??