Cuba & the UN Resolution on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

It looks like a geopolitical accident. Cover design: Janet Aguilar

By Xel2 (El Toque)

HAVANA TIMES – This week we have drawn about Cuba’s abstention at the UN on the resolution to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

With a support of 141 votes, 5 against and 35 abstentions, the world made it clear which side is right.

It is a war that has lasted more than ten days with hundreds of casualties on both sides, and countless destruction, and the arrogance of the Russian leader who persists in calling this war a simple military operation.

In recent days, Russian soldiers bombed the area surrounding Europe’s largest nuclear power plant to take control of it in what could be the greatest ecological and social disaster in history. However, it is still evident which side the official Cuban discourse is on.

From our artistic space, we condemn war as a way to resolve conflicts, whatever color it may have. We are with those who resist the aggression on the street under the bombs.

Greetings and happy Sunday,

Wimar Verdecia Fuentes

The UN General Assembly condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine. CUBA: Neither against or in favor… in fact just the opposite
Cuba at the United Nations
It looks like a geopolitical accident.

Read more from Cuba here on Havana Times

One thought on “Cuba & the UN Resolution on Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

  • I was so concerned when I heard that the Cuban Government was supporting the invasion of the Ukraine, by Russia and could not understand why they would do so, considering the oppression that Cuba has had to suffer at the hands of the USA.

    I am so happy to read the article in your newspaper and see that the Government’s response does not reflect the people of Cuba.


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