Cuban Doctors without Medicines (cartoons)
By Xel2 (El Toque)

HAVANA TIMES – This week we dedicate our cartoon feature to the work of health workers and the lack of medicines in the country to treat ailments beyond COVID-19. The shortage of drugs is a very sensitive phenomenon, since there are many patients who depend on them.
It is hard to believe that in these times a nationwide outbreak of scabies takes place without the basic medicines available for its correct treatment. Likewise, that this information is not reported by the state media.
In the meantime, take it easy, as much as possible. We are also in the middle of economic reforms and it is well known that stress is a trigger for many ailments and alters the immune system.
Laugh a lot watching the news and do not insult; watch memes and comic drawings. If you feel a suspicious itch look for an old broom and start praying.
Wimar Verdecia Fuentes

Where did all the Money $$ Go from the Foreign $ Tourist that felt their money was going to do good things for the Cuban People. A Lot of years of Resort Tourist going to Cuba & leaving Lots of Money in Cuba to create the Help Needed. Hidden in the Shadows of Corruption many talk about behind the Cuban Curtain. News Flash, Canadians returning home from abroad that have already been Vaccinated are still Quarantined for 3 day Hotel stay at $2,000.oo per person their Cost & then finish with their 14 days locked in.