Cuba’s Reform Process: A Servant of Imperialism
Pedro Campos

HAVANA TIMES — The policy towards Cuba maintained by recent US administrations has had two fundamental dimensions: on the one hand, it has retained and intensified the blockade regulations that directly affect the Cuban government (denying it access to international financing, credit, trade and other mechanisms) and, on the other, has relaxed restrictions that have a greater impact on the population, such as the sending of remittances, the sale of food products and travel by Cuban-Americans to the island.
The strategic aims of this two-faceted policy are preventing the development of a socialist society in this hemisphere by demonstrating its economic unviability and discrediting it in the eyes of other nations of the continent.
This is done while simultaneously giving the Cuban people a sugarcoated “humanitarian image” to compensate for the long-standing, criminal economic blockade imposed on the country. This policy caters to the interests of voters in the Cuban émigré community and of the many Cuban immigrants that continue to flood the United States.
The Cuban government has constantly divulged a distorted image of this strategy and has insisted on the United States’ supposed interest in “creating the conditions needed to justify a direct military action in Cuba, with a view to destroying the revolutionary process.”
For years, this revolutionary process has been stagnating as a kind of decadent, State monopoly capitalist system, which concentrated property even more radically than traditional capitalism, but in the hands of a bureaucratic elite called the “State”, and never established any relations of production beyond the ambit of wage exploitation.
What could have been and never was a socialist system, the dreamed-of society of the people, by the people and for the people, became a neo-Stalinist, bureaucratic, authoritarian and counterrevolutionary mess that imperialist powers and the Cuban leadership agree to continue to call “socialism.”
The propaganda about an imminent invasion by the USA has been used, and continues to be used, to justify the repression of any form of thinking or activism that strays from the Party line, be these at the center, right or left on the political spectrum.
They accuse such activism of advancing imperialist interests, to export a “revolutionary” image of Cuba that awakens feelings of solidarity in other nations and to legitimate the country’s military and security caste, responsible for sustaining the bureaucratic elite of the government-Party-State and its corrupt and corrupting economic model.
This sophism is contradictory and fails to capture the true intentions of US administrations, for such a direct military intervention would not demonstrate the unviability of “Cuban socialism”, which would, in that case, be “interrupted” or “defeated” by imperialist aggression, not collapse under its own weight.
Such contradictory claims are, however, in keeping with the apocalyptic dreams of some Cuban leaders, who have shown they would rather see the “Cuban revolution” destroyed by imperialism than have to acknowledge their “socialist” system failed (a failure they continue to chalk up to the US blockade).
Ultimately, if anything is to blame for the stagnation of Cuba’s revolutionary process and its degeneration into a crude form of State monopoly capitalism, if anything has been hindering the advance of socialism, the democratization of society, the empowerment of the people and workers, the development of free forms of labor associations, cooperatives and free individual labor, if anything has thwarted economic development and the improvement of the living conditions of the Cuban people, it is the Cuban government-Party-State, which has been in power for over fifty years and continues to insist on maintaining its “State socialist” system, an illogical model that has failed everywhere.
In its reticence to undertake the true democratization of its political system and the socialization of Cuba’s economy, to move towards true socialism, in its current efforts to tart up its failed and decadent “State socialism” with the “reform process”, the Cuban leadership is making an invaluable contribution to the political strategy of its declared enemy. I am not saying this is their intention. I am saying this is what they’re achieving.

This complicity ceases to strike one as strange when one recalls the anti-socialist tendency shared by imperialism and the neo-Stalinist State-command system imposed on Cuba.
So that there can be no question as to Cuba’s willingness to serve the imperialist cause, the pompous “reform process” has impelled the limited restoration of private capitalism. In addition to broader trade with the “enemy” and foreign investment, the government is now hoping to “feed off” this new sector via the Mariel port project, sweat shops, private marinas, residential areas for millionaires and golf courses, the “coal and water” needed to keep its broken-down State machine going (something which appears impossible without the lifting of the blockade).
To top things off and in order to encourage much-coveted foreign investment, Cuba’s draft labor bill, soon to be approved by the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC) and Parliament, will ensure that Cuban workers remain the least protected workers in the world when it comes to the excesses of the exploiters of salaried labor.
This is a “revolutionary” strategy worthy of inclusion in a new, revolting and cynical Platt Doctrine. Let us imagine, for a moment, that these projects come to fruition. Imagine a million American tourists, businesspeople and delinquents, many of them sitting comfortably in their yachts or Cadillacs, touring the island, buying mansions, companies, hotels, restaurants, sugar refineries, playing golf, drinking whisky at every corner of Havana, generating prostitution, drug trafficking, gambling and all manner of corrupt practices. What would that be, if not the virtual or real annexation of the country by the United States? Is that what the Cuban revolution has been fighting for?
When all is said and done, the reform process will have served to confirm the maxim that “the shortest path to capitalism is socialism,” as expressed by champion of neo-liberalism Carlos Alberto Montaner, who does not conceal his enthusiasm over the privatizations undertaken as part of this process (See his recent article “Myths and Pipedreams”).
Ultimately, the United States has not had to work hard to develop a “Cuba” strategy. The Cuban government-Party-State has taken upon itself to do its work for it and demonstrate how unviable this form of “socialism” is.
Its absurd, dogmatic, State-centered, counterproductive, anti-democratic, repressive, anti-popular, in brief, anti-socialist policies have decapitated and destroyed Cuba’s economy and led to the degeneration of social values, the stagnation of growth and the exodus of scientific, cultural, sporting and other talents.
Of course, the United States has helped the Cuban government in its work with its “threats”, pressures, the blockade and the Cuban Adjustment Act. All the while, it has tried to show the Cuban people its “good intentions” and its determination to help them “achieve democracy”, to do away with the “socialist government” that has plunged the island into the mess it faces today – the same old shameless, imperialist garbage.
The United States government should actually thank its Cuban counterpart, because, thanks to its policies, many people on the island don’t even want to hear about socialism anymore.
What’s more, the people and governments of Latin America have long ago decided not to undertake experiments such as the Cuban one and those who speak of socialism are careful to distance themselves from the model essayed in Cuba. I will leave my comments on the results of Cuba’s support for extremist and violent movements around the continent for a future post.
In the Empire, not everyone is willing to lift the blockade just yet, not while the Castros are still in power or before a clear process of democratization is undertaken, because the political costs of such a move would be too high today.
Others seem willing to support the limited transition towards capitalism that the reform process entails, even if it means the authoritarian government will remain in power, out of simple commercial pragmatism or as a means of expressing gratitude for the liberalization process.
The Cuban people, who remain “the unwanted guest” in this hotchpotch of a political process that began over half a century ago, are ultimately the ones who have had to endure the arbitrary policies of these two warring camps, and, at one point, will have to draw their own conclusions and freely choose their own path.
Pedro Campos: [email protected]
Can any of you “morons” lay claim to being a part of Cuba in the 1950’s and before? Before Castro ? If so , you would honestly relate that the Castro’s have killed Cuba and its Citizens as surely as Mao or Stalin. The results are seen every day . If you remember Havana, you cry in sadness for Cuba every day. Blaming Cuba’s ill’s on a variety of “straw man devils” is only more self delusion. Until
there is a really “Cuba Libre”, there will be no Cuba. My opinions based on personal experience and reality. I’m 80 years old. I’ve seen it . The BS slung
around here is criminal. Thanks.
The reforms that are taking place in Cuba have nothing to do with US policy.
Trying to change the subject to anything but Cuba. That’s called displacement, Dan.
True, Fidel was never as brutal and sadistic as Trujillo (a different dictator of a different country, and ultimately assassinate by men armed by the CIA). But Fidel was worse than Batista. THat is the relevant comparison.
The topic of the rather confused essay is “reform in Cuba, of any sort, is a product of the US imperialists”. It’s an absurd assertion on the face of it, and no evidence is presented to support the somewhat paranoid projection.
There are two streams of reform present in Cuba today. One which is whispered in the margins, or in a few brave cases shouted by dissidents and other patriots. The other official form of reform is enacted with the full force of the State for the sole purpose of salvaging the economic liquidity and political power of the regime.
The former gets nowhere, for now, and the later is cynical & useless.
You make an interesting point. Brutal and dictatorship would appear to be redundant. The benefit of being American is that I can and have dissented when my government, using my tax dollars, supports totalitarian regimes. Yet another reason to help my Cuban family share in my democratic liberties.
“Brutal” Castro “dictatorsihip” . Wow. If Fidel was brutal, what were Trujillo, Baby Doc, Rios Montt, ect. ect.? bet you never spent a second railing against a single brutal regime supported by your tax dollars.
Likewise, since when do you recognize the rights of sovereign nations to make their own laws – or does that only apply to the USA in your mind.
Buenísimo el artículo, te la comiste !
Ravsberg calls the US embargo “criminal”. Really? By whose laws? While he may not agree with the embargo, he and others who would like to see the embargo lifted are not given the right to call sovereign US law “criminal”. I do agree with the author that if the embargo were lifted and Americans were free to travel to Cuba uninhibited while at the same time the brutal Castro dictatorsihip remained in place, the island would be overrun with US tourists dollars. This hard currency would first stuff the pockets of the Castro elite and then serve to fund even more severe repression of the Cuban people. I also agree with the author that expanded tourism would do little to improve the daily lives of the average Cuban who would continue to toil away at slave wages. Perhaps inadvertently, Ravsberg makes the best argument I have seen made by a Castro supporter against lifting the embargo until the Castros are gone and democracy has come to Cuba.
Pedro, interesting article and opinion. When you say; “at one point the Cuban people will have to draw their own conclusions and freely choose their own path.”
If they say anything against the current regime they will be jailed as dissidents. We can only hope that things will change for the Cuban people in the very near future.
one point, will have to draw their own conclusions and freely choose
their own path. – See more at:
one point, will have to draw their own conclusions and freely choose
their own path. – See more at:
Are You sure this is not the Miami times as view points are that of Worms.You talk about the states as if all Americans Support the worms. Most Americans do not even give thought about Cuba and The ones that Do wonder why they can not go to Cuba but those that are none stop whinning about Cuba can.