“Love Each Other”, but …

By Aurelio Pedroso (Progreso Weekly)
HAVANA TIMES – “An unfavorable day”, Dr. Duran told us in his television appearance on Monday, July 27. No less than 37 cases and of them, 26 in the capital of the country. [They were followed by 23 and 33 cases reported on July 28-29.]
The excessive and unexpected growth of cases were mainly motivated by two agglomerations.
One, in the Havana neighborhood of El Roble, where according to unofficial sources, an evangelical pastor called his parishioners to kiss and hug each other with the grace of the almighty.
Another, not yet explained, with fourteen cases in the La Lisa municipality, and the well-known event in the neighboring town of Bauta, where a Santeria religious activity began in that community and ended on the beach of Baracoa.
Events, which the now famous epidemiologist from the city of Santiago de Cuba, has cataloged as starring “irresponsible and undisciplined” people.
The reasons for the La Lisa event were not specified by the doctor, perhaps because it corresponds to another authority.
With all due respect to the believers: it is worth remembering the saying “God helps those who help themselves,” which involves the protection of each and everyone.
That is what happens when you don’t take The Corona 19 Ghost seriously.
The Baracoa mentioned lies just west of Havana and was one of the original recreational “beach” sites specifically chosen by Fidel Castro for Cubans – who were denied access to the better beaches reserved for tourists. Developments optimistically included a massive car park and a swimming pool. Very occasionally the car park boasts one or even two sixty five year old cars, but the swimming pool is filled with basuro (rubbish). Scarcely an attractive site for a religious gathering.