Mistreated in Cuba

Cover design: Janet Aguilar

by Xel2 (El Toque)

HAVANA TIMES – This week we have drawn on animal abuse, a topic that has been revived after a video went viral where 15 persons tortured a kitten at the Rancho Boyeros Fairgrounds.

As if the cruelty of the incident were not enough, among its aggravating factors it stands out that it was carried out in a space belonging to one of the institutions that must ensure the protection of animals. The complicity of the public that witnessed the act also invites reflection.

Although there was an immediate response from the authorities and the culprits were punished, fines don’t compare to the equivalent of the life of an innocent animal.

In February 2021, the Animal Welfare Decree Law was approved, a demand by civil society for years. Until now, the possible strategies to eliminate abuse have remained on paper. Incidents like the rodeo reminds us of that.

We hope that the soon to be approved Penal Code will be revised and more severe sanctions will be included for this and other types of violent behavior.

Wimar Verdecia Fuentes

The worst isn’t that we are in jail… it’s that we’ve lost also decency and goodness…
No more abuse. Humans have rights. In defense of human life…

Read more from Cuba here on Havana Times

5 thoughts on “Mistreated in Cuba

  • These sissy men need to be ashamed of what they have done. Harming a kitten is an act of pure cowardice. If these cowards want to kill then send them to the Ukraine. Outrageous! Time to end rodeo.

  • Cruelty to animals should be condemned. Period.

  • I cannot believe people are not outraged over this cruel cat abuse. The whole rodeo is cruel and this just adds to the lack of concern for animals. Animals are terrified to be in rodeos. You can see it in their eyes. Stop harming innocent animals so you can make money! Rodeos need to be banned as they have done in other countries. Please help by not attending this horror show.

  • Would that as much sympathy be shown for all the other animals systematically terrorized, abused, crippled and sometimes killed in the rodeo arena. For the majority of these exploited creatures, the rodeo arena is merely a detour en route to the slaughterhouse. Shame on all concerned!

    The United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales) outlawed all of rodeo back in 1934; Germany and the Netherlands have since followed suit. Can Cuba, the USA and the rest of the world be far behind?

    Until that happy day, BOYCOTT ALL RODEOS, THEIR ADVERTISERS & SPONSORS. Follow the money.

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