My Take on the Last Trump – Biden Debate

By Martin Guevara

The last debate was held on Thursday October 22.

HAVANA TIMES – It was the best debate of the three, but we will never know if it was really only the least bad, because the bar was very low. The truth is that they were both much better prepared.

Things heated up when the issues of Biden’s son and the more than 500 immigrant children separated from their parents were raised. Likewise, with the management of Covid-19.

The president’s non-disclosure of his tax returns in five years, foreign interference, the Ukraine affecting Biden, and Trump’s bank account in China and his relationship with Putin making him uncomfortable, were others.

However, even so, they debated in an almost cordial tone. Partly because of the microphone that would be turned off in case of impertinence. Also resulting from the exquisite work of Kristen Welker of NBC News. The first African-American moderator of such a debate in 25 years was praised by both opponents. Even Trump, who had previously criticized her harshly.

The vast majority of the press proclaimed Biden the winner, by a moderate margin. However, some media gave the current president the advantage.

The reporting from both CNN and Fox was predictable given their respective marked biases. Not for lack of truth in the surveys, but for the predictability of their universe of respondents.

Local televisions, which named Biden the winner, looked a lot like the numbers from the most recent voter intention polls. Like in Providence, Rhode Island, which showed 53% for Biden and 43% for Trump. This almost copies the average polling Real Clear Politics gave on October 21st.  Biden with 51% of voter preference and 43% for the president seeking his re-election.

The truth is that the gap, although considerable in favor of Biden, is not insurmountable.

The debate will not have changed even three convinced voters, given the polarization that US society has been subjected to in the last four years.

But it may have brought clarity and motivation to those who were thinking of not voting. This adds excitement to the two weeks leading up to the election.

Even if one of the candidates is clearly the frontrunner, either can still win.

And I add, if the attitude of one of these two from Thursday’s debate wins, it would be better for the United States and the world, than either from the first debate.

Let’s hope the gestures of apparent cordiality, have left them a good aftertaste, when thinking about the future government. The US and the world need it.

Read more posts by Martin Guevara on Havana Times.

5 thoughts on “My Take on the Last Trump – Biden Debate

  • M Mast is obviously unable to comprehend the plight of the Cuban people, they have no short term hopes as he suggests and are fully capable of recognizing that they face a long, long trail ahead. Trump achieved absolutely nothing politically in Cuba, he merely pandered (an inherited characteristic demonstrated in the Trump family history) to the Florida Latino population.

    As for the road that M Mast’s “obnoxious jerk” has taken supposedly upon behalf of the American people, doing so has laid bare the follies of the US Constitution, the follies of the US electoral system and the folly of the minority of 63 million Americans who voted for him first time around.

    “Obnoxious jerk” is but a mild description of a man who is better described as a shyster, for his history both in business and as President, is one of pursuing unscrupulous, fraudulent and deceptive methods. By becoming President he managed to avoid prosecution as did Bibi Netanyahu by being re-elected as Prime Minister of Israel – they are a well matched couple.

    One wonders when mentioning Israel and the sudden opportune diplomatic recognition of Israel by a group of Arab countries, whether Pompeo acting not in diplomatic fashion, but rather as Trump’s bag-man, used similar methods to those which Trump used when endeavoring to do a “deal” with Ukraine? Will the cost be revealed?

    The recent assessment by people in the European countries of Trump (all were opposed to him by at least 60% with Denmark opposing him by 80%) is indicative of his ability to offend allies, his other ability being to regard dictators with adulation. M Mast’s suggestion that Trump has tried to “slow down” the downward spiral, is contradictory to the evidence.

    Is there a better word than SHYSTER to describe Donald J Trump, and how long will it be before the law catches up with him following defeat?

  • I can understand, why Cuba is hopeful that Biden is the winner in the US elections. In all probability, he will reverse the Trump changes. This will of course strengthen the Cuban Gov./military. Not a good thing for the future of the Cuban people, but they are desperate and can only think short term. Also, a Biden win will not be a good thing for the future of the US. I understand the negativity many have towards Trump. Yes, he is an obnoxious jerk, but at lease he is my obnoxious jerk. He has tried to reverse the bad direction the bureaucrats both Rep./& Dem. have taken the US. I don’t believe anyone can reverse the downward spiral the world has taken, but Trump has tried to slow it down. Yes, he has, tried to slow it down. Biden will restart/continue the ready & wiling swamp mentality in Washington. Long live the swamp.

  • If he was including the vice-presidential debate, then he would have to admit that deciding which was best, was a close call! The expression that “both were better prepared” could equally be applied to the vice-presidential debate.

  • He was referring to the 2 presidential and 1 vice presidential debate.

  • Martin Guevara writes that the debate of the 22nd October “was the best debate of the three”. I recall the first held three weeks ago when Trump behaved naturally, and that of the 22nd, but not a third. Perhaps Martin was snoozing when the intended second debate was cancelled as Trump backed out.

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