Nicaragua: The Bourgeois Comandante and his Family

Stand up, damned of the Earth


“Ortega-Murillo and their entire family live off of public funds. And this because like all good dynastic dictatorships they have placed their eight descendants in high positions of trust.”


By Maryorit Guevara  (Confidencial)

HAVANA TIMES – In the second poorest country of Latin America, it’s offensive, vulgar and disgusting to hear reporters, who in reality are the regime’s propagandists, say that questioning Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo’s 22 grandchildren studying in the private German-Nicaraguan School comes from “envy.”

And this is where I find a good reason for the existence my blog because as a good citizen and promoter of the “#YoEducoUnSapo” (#ITeachanOrtegasupporter), I have the opportunity to explain this in a very simple manner so that those with small minds can understand it.

Ortega-Murillo and their entire family live off of public funds. And this is because, like all good dynastic dictatorships, they have placed their eight descendants in high positions of trust.

Rafael, Laureano, Luciana, Camila, Maurice, Daniel Edmundo, Carlos Enrique and Juan Carlos divvy up TV stations (Channel 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 13), radios, oil companies, public investments, interoceanic canals and million-dollar businesses.

Everything, all of it, obtained with money from public funds by using their nepotistic positions given to them by their parents, which helps them make their business deals and deform laws to their convenience.

The poor of the world

It is morally reprehensible that the socialist government that proclaims the eradication of poverty with its “power to the poor of the world”, to the degree of making them “the people-president”, should have grandchildren in one of the most expensive schools in the country, paying US $90,820 per year (without including other expenses) when an average Nicaraguan lives with a dollar and a half a day.

If Nicaragua has the high-quality education in the public schools they claim, why does the Comandante send his grandchildren to such an expensive school?  Why doesn’t he send them to the Benjamin Zeledon public school which is close to the El Carmen compound where they live?

It’s simple. The revolutionary man who fought against Capitalism and opulence has become bourgeois.  In fact, he’s surpassed the “pink butts” from the Right, becoming, all of them, “fuchsia pink butts” who only mix with the people by standing on a stage at the Hugo Chavez Roundabout.

So, for those who live off the people, acting as the regime’s buffoons on their superfluous TV channels, it’s an obligation to defend the boss. However, they also do it because it gives them the opportunity to win “chayo-points” [Chayo being the VP Rosario Murillo].

It’s paid with taxes

Enrollment, registration and the monthly tuition of Ortega-Murillo’s 22 grandchildren studying in the German-Nicaraguan School is paid with our taxes.

It’s no news, I shouldn’t even comment it, that the fact that the dictatorial couple’s children, have never ever worked in a job that would allow them to defend their salary with dignity.

The dictatorial couple’s nepotism entails that all their children receive a salary from the State, which is financed with citizens’ taxes, and allows their luxuries to be above the hunger of the people.

Therefore, if it were the barrio’s nasty neighbor paying the German-Nicaraguan School and not me, I could be envious, but it’s the Ortega-Murillo regime that pays and profits from yours and my taxes while all of us are barely scraping by to provide for our children.

11 thoughts on “Nicaragua: The Bourgeois Comandante and his Family

  • Viva AOC…

  • Somewhat limited vocabulary Barry!

  • I think this is a nice viewpoint of the issue down there, but still naive. Ortega’s economical opulence has been built up with narcotrafic. The retired Colonel Victor Boitano explains that ortega’s “secret” in his book Crímenes sin Castigo. It began in the 80s, when P. Escobar was given asylum in Nicaragua. They’re certainly stealing tax-money, but that makes perhaps only a piece of what he and his family have all over the country and overseas.

  • Yo, Barry!
    Where did you learn so much?

  • Polítical means of the people. What else would you call the money of the peaple?

  • I am Nicaraguan and i take offense that you would turn this into a political issue. But FYI, I support the Democratic Party and the Republican party does nothing but spew hatred for people south of the border.

  • Your full of shit, about Democrats. Trump is nothing but a dictator and everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. I’m sick and tired of people blaming Democrats, for the piss poor state of affairs this country is in.

  • This is a good lesson for Americans. Those who are supporting Democrat Party. The meaning of Socialist Society is TRASH. Please American people open your eyes and STOP supporting Democrats, just take a look Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and other countries. STOP Democrats.

  • The Unitef States put them mother fuckers. And now is USA responsability to take them out…Carter put them fuckers once poor folks now the richest mother fuckers from the 2nd porist country of Latin America…Do too them just like how the USA do it to Noriega…jail all of them.

  • I was born and raised in Nicaragua, a daughter of US citizens. This country has absolutely subverted their citizens to being literal slaves, disgustingly enough. I honestly don’t understand just why other countries in the Western is Hemisphere haven’t called these thugs out for what they truly are ?. My heart breaks for the country in which I was born ?.

  • I lived in Nicaragua for 2 years . Corruption does not stop at the front door of the Ortega compound . It is everywhere in this Socialist Society. Government Officials and employees stealing everything they can get their hands on .Then there are the professionals like attorneys and other businessman who hold hands with the Government. This is the very definition of a third world country. Let them solve this problem themselves.

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