The Cuba Blockade: A Catch-all Excuse

Warhol P

HAVANA TIMES, Feb 23 — A few days ago I set out for a walk through the streets of my neighborhood and I was surprised to see that in just one block, every corner was littered with debris and trash.

I went to my cousin’s house to borrow her camera and take some snapshots so that people could see for themselves.

These are just a few photos, but I can assure people that there are many places in Havana like the ones shown here.

Over the next several days, I confirmed with my own eyes how the piling up garbage was actually getting worse, yet nobody did anything to solve the problem.

It seems terrible to me to realize how we have resigned ourselves to living surrounded by trash and stench.

We seem to not even consider how harmful this can be to our health. Dead animals are sometimes deposited in trash bins, though no one comes to pick them up. In the meantime their bodies decompose before everybody’s eyes.

The only thing that’s said is “the blockade is to blame.” This is what’s always heard when something doesn’t work right in Cuba like it should.

I would like for the economic embargo to be eliminated if only to see if that resolved most of our problems.

I think lifting the blockade is a good idea, because in that way we Cubans living here would realize that the causes of many of our miseries and hardships are not caused solely by that brutal and ruthless embargo, which seems that it is not ending and never will end.


3 thoughts on “The Cuba Blockade: A Catch-all Excuse

  • There is no “blockade” to lift. It’s a lie the Castro regime has repeated for 50 plus years to avoid responsibility for their serial failures and to keep Cuba imprisoned.

  • -Bueno si como dice este valiente y anonimo escritor, el Bloqueo es una excusa del gobierno cubano para esconder su ineptitud, seria muy bueno que este senor se dirigiese a Obama y al Congreso de los Estados Unidos y le solicitase que derogasen el Blqueo, pues de esa forma se acabarian las justificaciones del Gobierno de Cuba y sus dirigentes.

    Es muy facil torear un toro desde la barrera, la vida no corre peligro alguno, se esta comodo y a pleno sol, mas aun, se puede estar ingiriendo algun trago fresco y agradable, y de esa forma se convierten en criticos de arte, sin ser artistas, escritores o pintores, se convierten en teoricos del capitalismo como fuente de toda riqueza y bienestar, aunque se pase hambre, necesidades y te saquen a patadas de tu casa por no haber pagado la hipoteca, en fin, este senor es de los que suena despierto, se pone su traje de magnate, aunque vive en una habitacion sin bano y calefaccion, pero en fin se siente bien, porque los ricos y poderosos, le dan la posibilidad de que vea las vidrieras de los centros de distribucion de productos repletas hasta los topes, aunque el no pueda adquirir algo, o solo un pedazo de pan y tomarse un vaso de agua con azucar prieta para matar el hambre. y despues contarle a sus amigos en la Isla, a traves de Internet que ese dia se comio un filete, con ensalada, una botella de vino y se comio de postre un tiramisu.

    Felicidades senor mio, los sueños no cuestan algo, aunque el despertar es como una pesadilla propia de la Divina Comedia, sino me cree preguntele a los millones de norteamericanos que han perdido sus casas y hoy viven en parques y avenidas de sus ciudades y poblaciones.

  • people who do not care about littering their own streets and neighbourhoods do not seem to think they have a stake in their own future.

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