The New Right’s Rebellious Anti-Globalization Movement

By Andres Kogan Valderrama

HAVANA TIMES – If I had to choose one of the concepts the global New Right uses the most, it is without a doubt the idea of globalism, which has served as an opportunity for these groups to present themselves as a rebellious and critical political sector against the status quo, thereby establishing an anti-elite discourse within their cultural struggle, in an attempt to move closer to the middle and working classes.

Summarizing this, the New Right’s idea of globalism means Nation States lose their sovereignty when it comes to making decisions on domestic affairs, subjugated to supranational powers and international organizations, which have tried to establish a cultural agenda in different countries via the UN, post-WW2.

The New Right complains about States’ lack of sovereignty, throwing all of their daggers at the UN’s 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals, as if these were part of a strategy drawn out by the global Left to disintegrate and divide society.

The point here is that the formation of a new institutionalism at a global level, with the creation of the UN and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, was a response to the horrors of ultra-nationalist doctrines – such as Left-wing nationalism and Fascism -, which can be rejected by the New Right, by embracing the free market and not the State’s economic role, but they obviously share a common thread.

As a result, just like Left-wing nationalism, this New Right’s national libertarianism utterly despises plurality of human beings and dissident opinions that dare to question systems of power that have oppressed millions of human beings. Thus, any expression that goes outside their square idea of family, the State and spirituality, is always seen with fear and as a threat to their static identity.

Therefore, it’s no coincidence that this New Right celebrates neoliberal globalization, which has been pushed since the ‘90s by organizations such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, benefitting large economic groups in the world. At the same time this New Right recalls sovereignty to establish a discourse that is against women’s rights, immigration rights, LGBTIQ+ rights, indigenous rights and denies the climate and health crisis.

As a result, it’s important to expose proposals that want to come off as rebellious, but are in fact extremely conservative, as they say they are attacking an elite made up of bureaucrats and politics, but they applaud those who concentrate wealth, as if they were some kind of business heroes, and need to be thanked for investing and giving us jobs.

All you have to do is listen to one of the figures that best represents this anti-globalization movement, the Argentinian political expert Agustin Laje, who has become a true spokesperson of the Paleolibertarianism crusade against so-called gender ideology, a gay lobby and its cultural battle against the New Left.

A cultural and moral battle which Laje believes isn’t only against social movements, cosmopolitanism and what is called Cultural Marxism, but is also a battle for truth itself, as he says that the Left today have embraced Post-modernity and the end of reality, after May 68 and the failure of real socialism.

It sees Globalism as a process that decomposes humanity and loses Western values, which needs to be stopped by this New Right, which wants to go back to the natural state of things, which is nothing more than a conservative retrotopia, which seeks to finally reinstate an old Order that perpetuates gender, racial, territorial, health and economic inequality.

This is why the New Right treats traditional right-wing groups as cowards, goody two-shoes and politically correct, because they have joined the UN’s and supranational organizations’ globalist agenda, which in times of economic and security crisis, has become a breeding ground for these fanatical groups to grow, just like in 1930s Europe.

In contrast to this boom of the New Right, those of us who are really challenging the concentration of power and wealth need to be united, as we believe that sovereignty lies in a country’s level of democracy, in terms of rights, distribution and participation and the decision-making process, and not in jingoistic discourses that we are told about an alleged globalized dictatorship that isn’t sustainable in reality and is only trying to spread confusion and damage society.

Read more from Chile here on Havana Times