The People Pay for Misguided Policies
Elio Delgado Legon

HAVANA TIMES — All of the world’s developed capitalist countries are immersed in a structural crisis that has lasted for more than four years, though there’s no solution in sight.
Some of these nations (like the US and Germany) have been able to keep unemployment relatively low, but in others (such as Spain, Greece, and Italy) people’s lives have sunk to unbearable levels.
It is still unknown how far this crisis will sink, because the mistaken policies being implemented in Europe to reduce public spending have only acted to increase unemployment and reduce buying power, thereby deepening the crisis even more.
This whole story began in the United States with the bursting of the housing bubble, a crisis that quickly spread to other sectors and all countries that had close economic relations with the US.
So, what are the main causes of this catastrophe?
Firstly there have been the “neoliberal” policies applied in recent years. These have proved themselves to be a total failure, though they are still being insisted upon following a completely absurd logic.
Secondly, and equally important, are the arrogant and imperial policies of the governmental leaders in the US. These have isolated them from large markets such as those in Latin America, which retains its vitality despite the global crisis.
The erroneous policy of wanting all countries around the world to subordinate themselves to Washington, instead of maintaining normal and mutually advantageous relations — as is done by China, Russia and many other countries — has caused the US to see its opportunities for export and investment dwindle. Consequently, there are fewer possibilities for the development and revival of its economy.
Its policies of sanctions and blockades against other countries hurt people in those countries, but these also injure the American people.
For example, the blockade against Cuba prevents the Cuban people from accessing many medicines that are produced only in the United States, but these laws also prevent the American people from buying some medicines and vaccines that are produced only in Cuba.
Cuba has more than 11 million people, and it welcomes nearly three million tourists annually, a figure that could double and be a major market for many US producers.
Latin America is developing and improving the living conditions of its people, but it is adopting many policies that are unpleasant to Washington, which is why it limits investments in some countries and doesn’t develop commerce with the dynamics that the US could if it were to implement a good neighbor policy that involved friendship and respect for other countries.
Nevertheless other countries of Europe, Asia and the Middle East are investing in this area and are increasing trade with it. Gone are the days when models could be imposed and all of the countries of the Americas dominated by the US. These peoples have awoken and they will not return to the past.
Those neoliberal policies have now failed in Latin America and those countries that have broken from them have advanced and improved their economies.
Those people around the world who insist on misguided policies are leading their peoples to despair and misery, and it’s unclear what the outcome will be.
In the midst of this crisis, the old line about the “rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer” is now obvious. Millions of middle class citizens have joined the ranks of the poor, and the gap between the rich and poor is deepening every day.
All of this evidences, without a doubt, that it’s the people who are the ones paying for those mistaken and failed government policies.
Speaking of failed policies imposed by the bankers on the European Southern Tier, which is in deep depression, I read today that a very small majority in the Greek Parliament passed a bill allowing the privatization of Public Property. Now, that is what the big-money investors have been waiting for. To hell with the people, think of the bargains to be snapped up!
Not only do the people lose the Commons, but they lose all control of the costs of Energy, Water, and Transportation, Health Care, and Education. Great for the 1%, but hell for the unemployed, retired, and Working Class. And, the Depression just gets worse, as any money the Government takes in will go to pay interest on the loans they were forced to take out.
It must be grand to be both Rich AND Stupid!
As usual, Elio has enriched Havana Times with another excellent article. He has pointed out correctly that US policies re the embargo hurt the people of Cuba, but also of the US, as well. Once again, I tip my hat to him in appreciation.
Elio could not of course address everything under the sun, but he has spoken of the positive evolution of Latin America away from absolute subservience to US monopoly capitalism. I’m a bit disappointed however that he did not remind us that capitalism still exists all over Latin America, and that bettering the conditions of the peoples of Our America, under capitalist state power, is not the goal of the socialist transformation.
I think the best thing that Elio could do to advance socialism in Latin America, North America and Cuba, would be to identify the “mistaken and failed” government strategic program of the PCC, and suggest ways to reform it along cooperative lines as a model for all countries.
Of course, telling others how to direct their intellectual and political energies is like telling others how to spend their money–it rarely, if ever, works.
Elio, you have got to travel. Wow, where do I begin? Cuba will never be a major US market. You have only 11 million people and they are POOR!!! Cuba´s buying power is the equivalent of Stanton, Ohio. We do not need Cuban medicine. If we did, believe me, we would make it. Ask you yourself, who is Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Peru and Guatemala`s largest trading partner? I will speak slowly, the UNITED STATES. Ok, you are right, Latin America has largely avoided the economic crisis that continues to cripple Europe and is lingering in the US. However, the prosperity in Brazil, Venezuela and Mexico, for example, has come at the price of high inflation, especially in Venezuela. This portends future problems as yet to be addressed. Nonetheless, while the US has not taken full advantage of expanding markets in Latin America, my country remains a significant participant. The gains made by China and Russia have only benefitted US interests as it has increased value of those currencies making US products more affordable. Finally (and don´t take this the wrong way), taking financial advice from a Cuban is like buying a cruise ticket on the Titanic. You are hilarious with this post!