The Shit Hit the Fan at the US Capitol (Cartoons)

By Xel2 (El Toque)
HAVANA TIMES – This week we dedicate our drawings to the most recent and highly commented events to our North. A mob of supporters of the outgoing President Trump demonstrated and subsequently stormed the US Capitol. The assault took place during the session in which the victory of Democratic candidate Joe Biden would be officially announced.
The surprise attack forced the session to be halted and the Congresspeople and staff evacuated. The diverse group of characters wrapped in furs, with Republican presidential campaign clothing and Confederate flags, took control of several official spaces of the venue where photos were taken. These pictures and videos quickly went around the world.
Donald Trump has been exposed. He began in November by denying the election results and declaring himself a victim of electoral theft. A game that he maintained until the events of this week unleashed. Faced with the backlash, all of his profiles on social networks were indefinitely canceled.
Undoubtedly 2021 has proven to be, so far, a worthy successor to 2020. Despite everything, best wishes from our team.
Wimar Verdecia Fuentes