What Kind of Love on This Valentine’s Day?
By Aurelio Pedroso (Progreso Semanal)

HAVANA TIMES – Even bald men and those who work wonders with the four hairs left on their head, agree that this day of love and friendship will be one of the gloomiest in their lives. It may be the worse one yet, ever since this deadly virus came to attack us for almost a year now.
Love aside, friendship will go straight to an emergency lab like a PCR test.
It’s a time for introspection and also to look at those around us amidst such troubling and alarming times.
Personally speaking, I have a short, really short list of relatives and close friends who have taken a step forward to extend their hand during the most critical moment, proposing they do without something and asking what I need. I am not an exception, of course.
The economic crisis with shortages included, plus COVID-19, serve to take a deep look within and analyze ourselves. Like when choosing rice, separating out tiny rocks and husk to keep only what is worthwhile. Thus, appreciating those who we can continue forward with.
You can count commendable examples of kindness, solidarity and generosity on your fingers. Just like you can count acts of selfishness which, like Atheists, Catholics or Christians, we must forgive, but never forget.
Welcome, Saint Valentine, to the deadliest month according to forecasts.