When Politics Becomes a Couple’s Project

Latin America has been fertile ground for power couples exercising power together, from autocracies or succession in the presidency to candidacies to reach the highest leadership positions.
By Sebastián Godinez Rivera (latinoamérica21)
HAVANA TIMES – In politics, emotions are often considered irrelevant when it comes to exercising power. However, cinema has portrayed power being shared by couples such as Margaret and Dennis Thatcher, John and Jacqueline Kennedy, or Juan Domingo Perón and Eva Duarte. But these are not the only couples who have had significant political influence.
Latin America has been fertile ground for couples who jointly wield power, whether through autocracies, presidential succession, or candidacies for top leadership positions. This text explores some examples of couples who made history in the region through their political projects while openly displaying their emotions.
Argentina is one of the most emblematic countries when it comes to presidential couples—not just because of Perón and Evita’s nationalist project. In the early 21st century, Néstor Kirchner (2003-2007) and Cristina Fernández (2007-2015) governed through Justicialism, an ideology aimed at reducing inequality, and Peronism. Both positioned themselves as heirs to Peronism and as a modern version of the first presidential couple.
Kirchner and Fernández frequently displayed affection in public and often reenacted Perón and Evita’s famous “loyalty embrace.” After her husband’s death, Cristina paid homage to him, and, in scenes reminiscent of Eva Perón’s passing, Peronist supporters took to the streets to bid farewell to Néstor.
Venezuela presents a paradoxical case in this discussion, as Nicolás Maduro (2012-present) and Cilia Flores jointly hold power. Maduro is the leader of Chavismo, while Flores is known as “the First Combatant.” They are always seen together at Chavismo events, press conferences, and rallies.
However, their relationship extends beyond romance—Cilia Flores is known to play a decisive role in appointing judicial officials. Their love story dates back to their activism alongside Hugo Chávez, the founding of the Fifth Republic Movement, and their careers in politics. The Venezuelan couple embodies revolutionary romanticism, which, disguised as an authoritarian regime, promises justice, development, and national well-being.

The legacy of revolutionary romanticism continues in Nicaragua with another couple that maintains strict control over the country while claiming to be heirs to Sandinista ideals: Daniel Ortega (2006-present) and Rosario Murillo. In power since 2006, they have transformed Nicaragua from a flawed democracy into an electoral autocracy. Ortega was a guerrilla leader who fought against the Somoza dictatorship and led the revolutionary government in the 1980s. Murillo, a poet and guerrilla fighter, always stood by the Sandinista leader.
Since 2006, Ortega has served as president, while his wife has held positions as first lady and communications coordinator. In 2017, she became vice president, and in 2023, she declared herself president of the judiciary, launching a purge of independent judges. Nicaragua exemplifies how, in authoritarian regimes, marriages can serve as repositories of power and political control.
In 2011, Guatemala witnessed one of its most unusual political episodes. Then-first lady Sandra Torres divorced President Álvaro Colom (2008-2012) to run for president, as the Guatemalan Constitution prohibits spouses and relatives of the president from seeking office. In a letter published in the media, Torres declared that her love for the people was greater than her love for her husband, justifying the divorce.
Although the couple separated and Torres was able to run, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal ruled that the divorce was an attempt to bypass the law and disqualified her candidacy. She later ran for president in 2015, 2019, and 2023, but lost all three elections.
To the east, Honduras also has a history of political couples, shaped by love, politics, and resistance. In 2009, President Manuel Zelaya (2006-2009) was ousted, paving the way for Juan Orlando Hernández’s controversial presidency. Zelaya’s wife, Xiomara Castro (2022-present), led the resistance and is now the country’s president.
The marriage has gained relevance since 2022, when Castro assumed power, while Zelaya has served as first gentleman and advisor to the government. This shows that governing is not necessarily a matter of one person, but that marriages are a source of support, more so if both have resided in the Presidential House.
In Mexico, a couple saw their political aspirations cut short just as the country was transitioning to democratic alternation. Vicente Fox Quesada (2000-2006) was Mexico’s first opposition president, and in 2001, he married his spokesperson, Martha Sahagún. By 2004, after the midterm elections, her name gained traction as a potential successor within the National Action Party (PAN).
It was even mentioned that it was the president’s wife who wielded the power; in turn, the first lady gained relevance in public opinion and was seen at various events. In spite of her promotion, Martha Sahagún saw her dreams dashed when in an interview President Fox declared that, at the end of his administration, they would both retire to their ranch, located in the state of Guanajuato. With this declaration, the presidential aspirations of “Mrs. Martha”, as the executive called her, vanished.
In conclusion, political marriages can serve as sources of power, often enabling authoritarian governments. In some cases, spouses succeed each other in office to further a political project, while in others, legal and political obstacles prevent such ambitions from materializing.