Balconies & Clothes Lines

Text and photos by CARIDAD

HAVANA TIMES, March 2 – People say there’s a law that prohibits hanging clothes on balconies in the city. It would truly be sad if that law was enforced where I live.


I don’t know how many places in the world have gardens like those in Havana, which don’t need water or earth and much less natural fertilizers.


Telephone cables, strings and ropes of all types, any material is good when it comes to exposing clothes to the sun.


White sheets, decorated ones, big towels and tablecloths, pants, socks and underwear, all form part of this immense and mysterious garden we show on our balconies.


Sometimes it’s not only clothes that we find but instead people looking up, as if trying to count the clouds. Sometimes we find dreams, detoured illusions, the melancholy of the walls full of history, the mischievous look of a child, the happiness contained in some mascot.

Click on the thumbnails to see all the photos in this gallery

2 thoughts on “Balconies & Clothes Lines

  • Thank you for these photos! As an American, my exposure and knowledge about Cuba is minimal. I have only recently become intrigued by your beautiful country and culture, but have quickly become insatiable!
    Thank you!

  • Thanks for the fotos. I enjoyed them very much.

    The clothes lines with clothes reminded me of Caracas and the last time I was there.


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