Leoncio Vidal Park, Santa Clara

Photo feature by Elio Delgado Valdes

HAVANA TIMES — In the center of the Santa Clara City, in Villa Clara Province — in the heart of Cuba — is the Leoncio Vidal Park Caro, a national monument.

According to the opinions of many experts, this is one of the most beautiful parks in Cuba, and is surrounded by buildings of eclectic architecture, along with more modern ones.

Prominent among the buildings circling the park is the La Caridad Theater (also a national monument), the Jose Marti Library (formerly the provincial government headquarters) and the Hotel Santa Clara Libre, among others, which all lend a unique beauty to the environment.

In the area occupied by the plaza, one can see the arbor where the municipal music band enlivens the evenings. One can also admire the “El Niño de la Bota Infortunada” fountain, along with a bust of the benefactor of the city, Marta Abreu de Estevez.

This park occupies an important place in the history of Cuba. Mambi Colonel Leoncio Vidal died fighting there against the Spanish on March 23, 1896. Likewise, battles were fought there against the tyranny of Cuban President Gerardo Machado, and on December 28, 1958, rebels under the command of Ernesto “Che” Guevara fought there against the Batista dictatorship.

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One thought on “Leoncio Vidal Park, Santa Clara

  • Thanks for your foto essay, Elio! Although I hurriedly passed through Santa Clara with my (then 15 year old) daughter in 2008, visiting Che’s tomb and museum, plus the site of the Tren Blindado, you have convinced me to return for a longer visit.

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