Old Town Caracas, Venezuela

Photo Feature by Caridad
This is how the inhabitants of La Pastora see their parish, said to have been established around 1889. It is one of the few parishes that have preserved the original narrow streets and red tiled roofs.
The old town, the largest in all of Caracas, was the birthplace of renowned scientist Jacinto Convit and Venezuela’s first boxing champion, Carlos “Morocho” Hernandez.
Its history was also marked by the death of Dr. Jose Gregorio Hernandez, who was run over by the only automobile in circulation in Caracas at the time.
It is never advisable to stroll about the streets of La Pastora holding a camara. Though the locals are kind and charismatic, none of its alleys are very safe.
The photos of the parish were taken during an activity organized by the National Photography Center, which made the needed arrangements with the police and residents of the area.
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Regards. I would say the whole world is an unsafe place, especially when it comes to photographers. I did not include in the text that one of the photographers was stripped of his camera by two armed men. The CENAF bought a camera like this and gave it to the photographer. I did not include the story of the theft because my interest was not to talk about insecurity, but I can not fail to mention that only with security support can you take pictures on these sites.
Thanks for your comment.
You have a good eye for photos and are a artist. Thanks but there are many places not safe in the world, including Chicago, New York City and New Orleans to name a few in the US.