Preparations for a Traditional March

Photo Feature by Juan Suárez

HAVANA TIMES – For two days, an army of workers has been working in the neighborhood of the intersection of Infanta and San Lazaro avenues up to the University of Havana.

They cover the gigantic and legendary pot holes of the nearby streets, asphalt the pavement, paint the pedestrian crossings at corners, repair the damaged streetlights with fantastic lights, paint the facades of the aged buildings of the avenue and fill the planted areas abandoned by the time with fresh soil and some sad plants.

To somebody it seemed very strange to see this contingent of workers and I smiling I said to him, of course, tonight is the March of the Torches (the annual event in tribute to national hero Jose Marti).


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2 thoughts on “Preparations for a Traditional March

  • Teenagers holding flashlights. Unremarkable.

  • I hope you show pictures of the march.

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