Search Results for: Circles Robinson diaries

Squash for Chicken

I first want to say that I’ve been a vegetarian for half a century. It was a personal decision, no preaching that others should do the same.

Cuba, a Long Road to the MeToo Movement?

The essence of the MeToo movement still hasn’t taken firm root in Cuba. The country prefers to remain tied up in its statistics and slogans. The numbers given for the number of women in the national workforce, at university, working in professions that were thought of as “male” in the past, and overall achievements, are real, there’s no doubt about that. However…

Cuba Farmers Get New Market Freedom

Cuba will now allow its collective and individual farmers to sell directly to businesses in the tourist industry, a move geared to provide incentives for quality products and timely deliveries. The move takes effect on December 1.

An Online Reflection of Cuba

“HT is simply a publication that looks for ways to elevate the knowledge about and interest in Cuba and attempts to be accessible to a board spectrum of national and foreign readers,” said HT editor Circles Robinson in an interview conducted by Dmitri Prieto.

Havana Times Editor Quizzed on Cuba

The Communist Party of Great Britain’s online/print publication “Weekly Worker” published Thursday an interview conducted by journalist Maciej Zurowski with HT editor Circles Robinson. The interview gives some background on the starting up of Havana Times as well as some of Robinson’s views on current issues facing Cuba.