Search Results for: Alberto N. Jones

Another call to close GITMO

It is with a heavy heart that I have decided to write a piece on the V International Seminar of Peace and for the Abolition of Foreign Military bases to take place on May 4-6, 2017 in the city of Guantanamo, Cuba, which is organized by the official Cuban Movement for the Peace and Sovereignty of the Peoples.

Haiti: Crippling Poverty for Daring to be Free

The first successful slave uprising happened in Haiti when French occupying forces were defeated and an independent republic was born on January 1, 1804. Haiti has never received the deserved international recognition and homage this monumental accomplishment deserves.

What July 4th Means to Black America

A moving article written this week by columnist Leonard Pitts in the Miami Herald marks the 10th anniversary of the violent death in “punk gangster” crossfire of 9-year-old Sherdavia Jenkins in Miami. This X-Ray image of the human disaster that is rooted in that city and has metastasized throughout the United States suggests the existence of an ethnic cleansing program in place.

The Persistence of Racism in Cuba

The result of lingering racism in Cuba is graphic, irrefutable and devastating. Black neighborhoods are like war zones, the disproportion in the incarcerated population, level of prostitution and poverty are permanent testimony.

A Missing Birthday Joy

Seventy seven years after taking my first breath on this day (August 29) in a hut in Banes, Oriente, Cuba, I should be a very happy man because of my relative good health and thanks to the development of the internet and social media, I have been able to receive hundreds of loving messages from family, friends, neighbors, former schoolmates and co-workers on three continents. But I’m not… (11 photos)