“In Nicaragua Many Young People Write Secretly”
He expressed his concern about the “enormous censorship” in literature, journalism or any area that raises a voice against the Ortega regime.
He expressed his concern about the “enormous censorship” in literature, journalism or any area that raises a voice against the Ortega regime.
The Jesuits point to systematic attacks against the UCA since 2018. They demand the Ortega government immediately overturn the confiscation.
Nicaraguan writer Sergio Ramirez, a winner of the Cervantes Award, assured on Thursday that “writing is a job worth paying any price for.
The release of political prisoners, in June 2019 and again in February 2023, are examples of small but large wins.
Mexican writer Alma Guillermoprieto discusses the irrational actions of the ruling Ortega-Murillo duo in Nicaragua.
Five years after the April Rebellion, the regime “incorporates new patterns” of human rights violations, according to Amnesty Internacional.
The Ortega government’s supposed anti-imperialism allows them to continue being swallowed by leftist observers in Latin America and Europe.
“It is not acceptable for us to remain silent before the family dictatorship of Ortega and Murillo in Nicaragua,” said the president.
The Spanish Foreign Minister confirms the number of applications and signs document that will allow them to obtain the Spanish citizenship
Ortega and Murillo must leave power. They are destroying themselves and want to take us with them to hell. Let us not accept that fate.