Can Cojimar’s La Costa Club be Saved?
By Nike

HAVANA TIMES – I joined a Facebook group a while ago, that is named after my town “Cojimar”.
I was happy to learn that there are many Cubans, both living on the island and all over the world, who are nostalgic about places in our country.
Somebody caught my attention when they asked for photos of “La Costa” Club in Cojimar. I went to visit the place and took some photos for them.
The Club has been closed for some years now, and its deteriorated state caused many comments that ranged from sadness to disappointment. But it was beautiful to see that many people remembered good times there.
These were some of the comments people left:
1. I celebrated my 15th birthday there.
2. I danced many ruedas de casino there, they were the best ones in all of Habana del Este.
3. Total destruction. Few people value what they have, it was a beautiful place.
4. I was an electrician at La Costa Club in 1994, when the rafters’ crisis occurred.
5. Memories of my childhood and happy teenage years! I would bathe there and then dance!
Everyone agreed on the great deterioration of the club nowadays. Many of them proposed to send their own money to save it from imminent disaster, which I personally believe will be hard to do and I believe the end of this club is inevitable, just like all the other clubs we have lost… Having pleased those who asked to this see this place made me feel useful.
Here are the photos. I’d like to know what you, my readers, think.