Collective Baptisms in Havana’s San Agustin Church (+33 Photos)

By Irina Pino
HAVANA TIMES – A baptism implies getting rid of original sin, but I wonder, what sin could a little one have who comes into the world with a clean slate?
Well, no, each creature already arrives in this place with the vibrations they captured through their parents, and in some way will emerge. That’s what I think.
However, in scholastic theology, the disobedience of Adam and Eve was called original sin, which founded humanity, uprooting itself from some gifts such as immortality, then there would be the will that would succumb to passions, the intellect to error.
Therefore, the fallen nature (natura lapsea), is transmitted to each one of those born, after the eviction from Eden. In this way, with baptism, man is returned to God.
I read this. It is not my interest to discuss such a complex topic, everyone can do their own research.
I have attended several collective baptisms, but never before have I been to the Church of San Agustín, located on Avenida 35, between 42 and 44 Streets, in the Playa Municipality.
It has a simple design, with parabolic arches and stained-glass windows, although inside it lacks the rich ornamentation of other parish churches.
Inconvenient is its steep and long access stairs, which can be dangerous for people with weak legs.
I would like to tell you that the baptism ceremony is very beautiful, it consists of the Liturgy of the word, Prayer of the faithful (praying for those who are going to be baptized), oil of the catechumens, water, chrism, white dress, Easter candles.
One must be clear about who is chosen as godfather and godmother of an infant. Many people select them thinking only of financial aid. But the main thing is that both are Christians and guide the child spiritually.
The priest caught my attention, a nice and modern young man. The liturgy came from his lips naturally, without fanfare.
They say that his charm drives the pious women of the community crazy. God forgive his impure thoughts! Because Catholic priests take vows of chastity.
It was interesting to learn about the Oil of the Catechumens, an oil that was smeared on the body of the gladiators before fighting.
It usually goes on the chest, but I observed that it was anointed on the children’s heads. This action is so that evil cannot catch them.
As for the Water, it is to cleanse from original sin, it is poured three times on the head, saying the phrase, I baptize you in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
The cleric also spoke of its multiple meanings, which are purity, the vital liquid, and the driving force behind earthly life.
These are bitter-sweet images. Consecrated to out Lord and Savior and wearing the sign on marxism-the mask.