Skaters Place to Hang in Havana’s La Timba Barrio

Photo Feature by Ernesto Gonzalez Diaz
HAVANA TIMES – In the capital’s la timba neighborhood, very close to the Plaza de la Revolucion, an area has been created so that young skaters can safely practice this sport. It is fair to say that this area has been made possible by the efforts of the residents themselves and with a little help from the municipal administration. A few days ago, we met one of these skaters and he invited us to stop by and take some photos.
Arnaldo is the main protagonist of these images, although not the only one. I believe that this type of project is very beneficial for adolescents and young people, since the practice of sport always contributes to personal development in a very healthy way.
This is not the only area where this sport takes place in the capital. It is also present in “Ciudad Libertad”, in the municipality of Marianao, on the Paseo del Prado, in the Acapulco Cinema Park in Nuevo Vedado, among other places where you can see young people and adolescents skating.
With that kind of exceptional, acrobatic, athleticism on skates, and on concrete and asphalt to boot, can you imagine how valuable such athletes would be playing ice hockey on any hockey team in the National Hockey League (NHL)? Invaluable, indeed.