Elvis in Nashville – Photo of the Day

Elvis in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. By Erasmo Calzadilla (Cuba). Camera: Google Pixel

HAVANA TIMES – Well, it doesn’t matter. You can share your pictures again.  You don’t have to be a professional, and the photo doesn’t have to be taken in Cuba.

Send us your pictures to share.

Just send a photograph (in B&W or color), that you consider of publishing quality. Remember, it is only for internet use.

Include the following information: Name, country of residence and where you took the picture (city and country).  Also mention the type of camera or cellphone you used. Likewise, give us a title or short description of the photo.

This is our email for sending the photos: [email protected]

If you would like to see the photos of past days click here.

One thought on “Elvis in Nashville – Photo of the Day

  • Elvis cut many great tracks in RCA Studio B in Nashville, Tennessee.
    So very apt.

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