Covid-19 Timeline and Current Situation in Cuba
I was unfairly accused, on social media, by defenders of the Cuban government of trying to sabotage the tourism industry.
Read MoreI was unfairly accused, on social media, by defenders of the Cuban government of trying to sabotage the tourism industry.
Read MoreThe love millions of people abroad have for their relatives in Cuba is greatly appreciated when they send these articles which help to lessen their needs. Instead of facilitating our people receiving things that the State has no way of providing at a reasonable price, why are they imposing a tax and limiting how much can be brought into the country?
Read MoreCuba can learn from Viet Nam to overcome petty attitudes and vindictiveness such as prohibiting 100,000 Cuban expatriates from visiting their homeland, applying a surcharge on Cuban Americans Visas, Passports and Travel instead of devising events as Viet Nam, that encourage their return and investment.
Read MoreSaturday March 24th will go down in US history as the day that schoolchildren, young people, their parents took to the streets to shout, “Enough” and “No to violence!”
Read MoreAfter 350 years of slavery in Cuba and 60 years of racism during the pseudo-Republic, it was naive to think that this monster could be wiped out with a speech made by Fidel Castro in February 1959 and others which he made throughout his time in office.
Read MoreCuba doesn’t need to invent cold water! The historic and unyielding solidarity between Vietnam, China and Cuba only needs Cuba to relax some archaic regulations…
Read MoreThe long-awaited and highly-acclaimed suspension of the first immigration measures, which have had such a negative effect on Cubans on both sides of the Florida Strait, is an encouraging sign of the upper echelons in the Cuban government’s capacity to reflect, be mature and willingness to correct what needs to be made right.
Read MoreI don’t want to make comparisons between feelings of being an outsider and the deep emotional tie to my country, to its sun, its people, who might be the bitter wine that Jose Marti warned us about.
Read MoreThe announcement made by the Cuban Attorney General about the most-talked-about case of Yanay Aguirre Calderon has resulted in shameful inactivity and official complicity with the growing racism that is taking over the country.
Read MoreCuba has the best Civil Defense system in the region and that makes it a model to follow. However the combination of very low wages, the poor state of housing in the country, and the lack of proper building materials and codes, has meant a constant repeat of recovery efforts.
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