Elio Delgado Legón

New Cuba-US Relations: Business over Politics

President Barack Obama’s decision to release the remainng Cuban Five prisoners and re-establish diplomatic relations with Cuba has been welcomed by the Cuban people and constitutes the first steps in a long journey to normalize all relations with our neighbor.

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The Significance of April 9 for Cuban History

The history of Cuba is loaded with heroic deeds, episodes in which Cubans have risked their lives to defend the freedom and dignity of their people. The path stretching from the Spanish conquest to our day has been paved with the blood of martyrs. (23 photos)

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Cuba Updates its Health Care System

Boasting health statistics above all other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (and even the United States), Cuba’s healthcare system has achieved world recognition and been endorsed by the World and Pan-American Health Organizations and the United Nations.

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Another Effort to Free the Cuban Five

The International Investigative Commission on the Case of the Cuban Five, which convened in London on March 7 and 8th, relying on the participating of prestigious jurists and personalities from around the world and arriving at important conclusions, constitutes an important part of efforts aimed at securing the release of the Cuban anti-terrorist activists who continue to serve prison sentences in the United States.

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Survivors Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki

I recently had access to horrifying testimonies about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki offered by a group hibakushas (“survivors”). Though I had read dozens of articles and news pieces on these incidents, I had never come across such harrowing accounts.

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Cuba Is on the Road to Development

Despite the obstacles they have tried to place in our way and the prevailing economic situation around the world (which directly affects us) we can confidently say, without fear of contradiction, that Cuba is making sure and steady progress towards its fundamental objective: development.

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The Time to Lift the Cuba Blockade is Now

Recent news seems to suggest changes in the opinions of a number of individuals and governments with respect to the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on Cuba by the United States more than 50 years ago.

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Cuba’s Role in Latin American Integration

All of the leaders who spoke at the Summit of Latin American and Caribbean States underscored Cuba’s efficiency as chair of the organization in the course of 2013 and congratulated the Cuban government for the extraordinary organization that characterized the summit’s activities.

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What Future Awaits the World?

Just when we thought the Cold War was over and the world would start moving towards global denuclearization, along comes this bit of news to give us yet another cause for concern, feeding our worries about the United States’ already dangerous practice of trying to impose like-minded and submissive governments around the globe through the use of force.

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